An architecture decision record (ADR) is a document that captures an important architecture decision made along with its context and consequences. We strive to keep these records small and lean.
We want to record important design decisions to help current and future contributors of the library to understand the reasons for doing things a certain way.
- Create a new branch on this repository and copy
to a new file with the next free number. - Modify the template to add details about your proposal and add any supporting diagram preferably in ASCII.
- Make a Pull Request (PR) for your branch.
- Once consensus is reached and approvals given using the Github review system, the PR can be merged.
In case the team has already agreed on a decision and no further async discussion is necessary just go ahead an record it directly without opening any PR.
As of today, the primary audience for these ADRs artifacts is the core Stacks Team. If circumstances change and we feel a broader audience should get involved in the decision making process we could look into evolving our process in something a bit more formal like the internal Stack Overflow RFC process.