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Folders and files

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Linux Containers on Windows (LCOW) works on Windows 10 1709 and a Docker engine that has the pull request moby/moby#34859 merged in.

At the moment we can use the nightly builds from with experimental features turned on.

Additionally we need a LinuxKit based Linux image for LCOW. The latest can be found in the pull request linuxkit/lcow#6.

LCOW on Windows 10

Create the VM

vagrant up

Run Windows containers

In the Windows 10 VM open a PowerShell terminal.

docker run microsoft/nanoserver:1709 cmd /c set

Run Linux containers

At the moment you need to specify the --platform option to pull Linux images.

docker pull --platform linux alpine

Once you have pulled Linux images you can run them without the --platform option.

docker run alpine uname -a

Bind mount a volume

You can bind mount a volume into Linux and Windows containers. The following example shares a folder from the host with a Linux and Windows container.

First create a folder on the Windows 10 host:

cd \
mkdir host

Run a Linux container

On the Windows 10 host run a Linux container and bind mount the folder as /test in the Linux container.

docker run -it -v C:\host:/test alpine sh

In the Linux container create a file

uname -a > test/hello-from-linux.txt

Run a Windows container

On the Windows 10 host run a Windows container and bind mount the folder as C:\test in the Windows container.

docker run -i -v C:\host:C:\test microsoft/nanoserver:1709 cmd

In the Windows container create a file

ver > test\hello-from-windows.txt


On the Windows 10 host list the files in the shared folder

PS C:\> dir host

    Directory: C:\host

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        1/21/2018   4:32 AM             85 hello-from-linux.txt
-a----        1/21/2018   4:33 AM             46 hello-from-windows.txt