Build a Docker image with the NanoServerApiScan tool. If you developed a 64-bit application, tool, or agent for Windows Server in C/C++, you can use NanoServerApiScan to check if your app will also run on Nano Server. Remember that Nano Server is 64-bit only and won’t run 32-bit binaries.
There are two variants to run the scanner.
Bind mount the directory with your Exe files to scan to C:\scan
into the container.
docker run -v "$(pwd):C:\scan" nanoserverapiscan
If you can't use -v
for example if you are using a remote Windows Docker engine
you can use the onbuild variant instead.
Create a small Dockerfile with the following line in the directory of your binaries to scan.
FROM nanoserverapiscan:onbuild
Then build a Docker image with your binaries and then run the container to scan all binaries.
docker build -t scan .
docker run scan
docker rm -f nano
docker create --name nano
rm -rf tmp
mkdir tmp
docker cp nano:Windows/System32/Forwarders tmp
docker build -t win10sdk -f .
docker rm -f win10sdk
docker create --name win10sdk win10sdk
mkdir -p tmp/kit/um/x64 tmp/kit/ucrt/x64
docker cp "win10sdk:Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Lib/10.0.14393.0/um/x64" tmp/kit/um/x64
docker cp "win10sdk:Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Lib/10.0.14393.0/ucrt/x64" tmp/kit/ucrt/x64
docker build -t nanoserverapiscan .
docker build -t nanoserverapiscan:onbuild onbuild