This Dockerfile
can be used to compile Node.js from source in a Windows container.
It is used to investigate the bug with Node.js up to 7.3.0 reading files from
a volume mount. I've opened an issue nodejs/node#8897 for discussion.
There also is a first inacceptable proposal nodejs/node#9475 that shows some improvement. But finally this should be fixed in libuv. So let's go down the rabbit hole...
This command will fail
PS C:\> docker run -v "$(pwd):C:\test" stefanscherer/node-windows:7.3.0 node -p "const fs=require('fs'); fs.realpathSync('c:/test')"
Unable to find image 'stefanscherer/node-windows:7.3.0' locally
7.3.0: Pulling from stefanscherer/node-windows
3889bb8d808b: Already exists
04ee5d718c7a: Already exists
e1c14e0fa11b: Pull complete
3b2744e491b8: Pull complete
51ae1d75bfe1: Pull complete
3c9ea98671fa: Pull complete
f4a13e185114: Pull complete
96f7b288e31d: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:aaa69d7f6ace9a3e33afe742d00f57d42f67676913ab77f20ddf1ce038efdbed
Status: Downloaded newer image for stefanscherer/node-windows:7.3.0
return binding.lstat(pathModule._makeLong(path));
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat 'c:\ContainerMappedDirectories'
at Object.fs.lstatSync (fs.js:901:18)
at Object.realpathSync (fs.js:1531:21)
at [eval]:1:28
at ContextifyScript.Script.runInThisContext (vm.js:26:33)
at Object.exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:79:17)
at Object.<anonymous> ([eval]-wrapper:6:22)
at Module._compile (module.js:571:32)
at Immediate.<anonymous> (bootstrap_node.js:383:29)
at runCallback (timers.js:651:20)
at tryOnImmediate (timers.js:624:5)
This takes very long, you may skip this and compile and test libuv.
docker build -t nodetest node
Now compile and test libuv inside a container.
docker build -t libuvtest libuv
We can re-run the tests with the container image.
docker run -it libuvtest cmd
cd libuv
All tests pass. Output: libuv-run-tests-1-inside-container.txt
The next step should proof that copying the files to the host and back into an empty container does not break the tests.
We copy the C:\libuv
from the first container image libuvtest
to the host and
then into a new container and build a new container image copy
with it.
docker create --name libuvtest libuvtest
docker cp libuvtest:/libuv libuv
docker create --name copy
docker cp libuv copy:/libuv
docker commit copy copy
docker run -it copy cmd
cd libuv
All tests still pass. Output: libuv-run-tests-2-inside-copied-container.txt
Now let's mount the directory libuv
as C:\libuv
in another empty container
and run the same tests directly on the mounted volume.
docker run -it -v "$(pwd)\libuv:C:\libuv" cmd
cd libuv
There are errors. Output: libuv-run-tests-3-in-mounted-volume.txt