The VMware PowerCLI is a PowerShell module to manage VMware servers like vSphere or vCloud Director. This is the Windows only, but full edition of the vmware/powerclicore image.
See PowerCLI Core vs. PowerCLI for details.
docker build -t stefanscherer/powercli .
docker run -it stefanscherer/powercli
Connect to your vCloud organization
Connect-CIServer -Server -User username -Password password -Org orgname
Show status of your vDC
Name Enabled CpuUsedGHz MemoryUsedGB StorageUsedGB AllocationModel
---- ------- ---------- ------------ ------------- ---------------
your-vdc True 26.40 20.000 1032.000 (50... PayAsYouGo
Get your vDC name
Get a list of your vApps
See more examples in the vCloud PowerCLI Documentation