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Træfɪk is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease. It supports several backends (Docker 🐳, Swarm 🐳🐳, Mesos/Marathon, Consul, Etcd, Zookeeper, BoltDB, Rest API, file...) to manage its configuration automatically and dynamically.

Example usage

Start Træfɪk on a Windows Server 2019 or Windows 10 1809.

docker-compose up -d

And finally, you can access to your whoami server throught Træfɪk, on the domain name {containerName}.{configuredDomain}:

PS C:\Users\stefan\code\dockerfiles-windows\traefik> docker-compose up -d
Starting traefik_whoami2_1 ... done
Starting traefik_whoami1_1 ... done
Starting traefik_traefik_1 ... done
PS C:\Users\stefan\code\dockerfiles-windows\traefik>
PS C:\Users\stefan\code\dockerfiles-windows\traefik>
PS C:\Users\stefan\code\dockerfiles-windows\traefik> docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                              NAMES
113ce8f5c552        stefanscherer/whoami            "\\http.exe"             32 minutes ago      Up 4 seconds        8080/tcp                                                           traefik_whoami1_1
44c88c5055f0        stefanscherer/traefik-windows   "/traefik --configfi…"   32 minutes ago      Up 4 seconds>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>8080/tcp   traefik_traefik_1
88673d7e3c03        stefanscherer/whoami            "\\http.exe"             32 minutes ago      Up 4 seconds        8080/tcp                                                           traefik_whoami2_1
PS C:\Users\stefan\code\dockerfiles-windows\traefik> curl.exe -H Host:whoami.docker.local http://localhost
I'm 113ce8f5c552 running on windows/amd64
PS C:\Users\stefan\code\dockerfiles-windows\traefik> curl.exe -H Host:whoami.docker.local http://localhost
I'm 88673d7e3c03 running on windows/amd64
PS C:\Users\stefan\code\dockerfiles-windows\traefik>

The Dashboard UI http://localhost:8080 will give you an overview of the frontends/backends and also a health dashboard.

Never expose the API/Dashboard UI publicly (

Dashboard UI Providers


You can find the complete documentation here.

Use with Let's Encrypt

Edit the config files:

  • Change the email to your email address
  • Change in both traefik.toml and docker-compose.yml to your registered domain name.

For example in Azure add a inbound rule for port 443 to your Windows VM.

Put the public IP address of your Azure VM to your A record of the DNS settings for your registered domain.

Put sub domains as CNAME as well, eg. whoami.

Add a firewall exception for the ports exposed by your containers. You need eg. port 8000 for the whoami containers so that traefik can talk to all the whoami containers.

Run docker-compose up and the acme.json file will be created and stored on your Docker host to keep the certificates. As there is a rate limit of 20 requests per week you should store this file on your host to persist it.

Now try curling the whoami


You should see two different Id's if you repeat the curl command.

Now scale the service

docker-compose scale whoami1=10

And run curl again several times. Now more containers will respond.