With the Android GridView
and GridLayout
view layouts, it is sometimes hard to customize the grid to fit a specific need.
One such example may be to configure a grid where each row has a different number of views and the potential to specify
different margins and heights for the rows.
The GridContainer
class provides the capability of laying out views in a custom grid-like configuration. Currently
the grid has the following properties:
- The rows will always use fill width.
- One can specify the number of views to fit per row. The views will share the width equally.
- One can specify an optional margin to use between the views.
- One can specify an optional height for a row. If none is specified, the row will wrap content.
It's also fairly easy to specify different grid configurations for different device orientations:
The GridContainer
currently only supports the adding of views dynamically from code and not yet from the xml.
The project includes a TestActivity
class which demonstrates how the GridContainer
layout can be used.
The GridContainer project is very basic and currently only fits a specific need. Feel free to take the code and modify as you need for your purposes.
- v1.3: Updated the project to build with Maven. Moved the sample Activity to a separate project.
- v1.2: The margins for items in a grid row are now specified in pixels and not DP.
- v1.1: updated the GridContainer and GridRowDetails classes to allow margins to be specified for each side of a grid item view.
- v1.0: Initial commit and official 1.0 release
Stephen Asherson [http://www.stephenasherson.com]