Uses the browser’s localStorage API (available in IE8+ and every other browser) as the basis for a simple database.
Developed by Aaron Gustafson,
The API is still developing, but using LocalStorageDB is pretty simple:
- Create a new instance of the LocalStorageDB object, supplying the name you wish to give the DB
var DB = new LocalStorageDB('my_first_database');
- If the DB exists already (from a previous session), you're good to go. Otherwise, see the API to do the usual CRUD operations.
- creates a new table
You can define your tables by supplying a name for the table and a object-based definition (type checking is coming…).
DB.CREATE( 'my_first_table', { id: 0, foo: 'bar', test: 'ing' } );
If you want to load data in immediately, you can do that by supplying a single object (for one row) or an array of objects (for multiple rows) as the optional third argument (see INSERT_INTO()
- adds data to a table
DB.INSERT_INTO( 'my_first_table', [{test:'ed'},{foo:'bat'}] );
Note: Any table defined to have an id
property will automatically assign a unique auto-incremented id to that property upon insertion. Also, any defaults set in the definition object will be used if the property is not defined on the inserted object.
- find data in a table
You can select all data in a table by only supplying the table name to the method
DB.SELECT( 'my_first_table' ); [{id:0,foo:'bar',test:'ed'},{id:1,foo:'bat',test:'ing'}]
Or you can collect a subset of rows, using an object to define your search criteria (JOIN and complex criteria are coming).
DB.SELECT( 'my_first_table', {foo:'bar'} ); // [{id:0,foo:'bar',test:'ed'}]
- updates rows in a table
DB.SELECT( 'my_first_table', {foo:'bar'} ); // [{id:0,foo:'bar',test:'ed'}]
DB.UPDATE( 'my_first_table', {test:'nada'}, {foo:'bar'} );
DB.SELECT( 'my_first_table', {foo:'bar'} ); // [{id:0,foo:'bar',test:'nada'}]
- remove data from a table
You can delete select rows from a table using (you guessed it) a criteria object. Currently, all criteria must be met for the row to be removed.
DB.DELETE( 'my_first_table', {foo:'bar'} );
DB.SELECT( 'my_first_table', {foo:'bar'} ); // []
Supplying only the table name is the same as calling TRUNCATE()
- returns the number of rows affected by the last operation
DB.INSERT_INTO( 'my_first_table', {test:'ed'} );
- empty a table & reset its index, but retain its definition
DB.TRUNCATE( 'my_first_table' );
DB.SELECT( 'my_first_table' ); // []
- returns the definition for a table
DB.DESCRIBE( 'my_first_table' ); // { id: 0, foo: 'bar', test: 'ing' }
- drop a table from the DB
DB.DROP( 'my_first_table' );
`DB.SELECT( 'my_first_table' ); // ERROR
LocalStorageDB is licensed under the terms of the MIT License, see the included MIT-LICENSE file.