Hey👋,I'm Subhash Nethra Vishnumolakala linkedin
- 🔭 I’m currently working on .. Masters in Applied Computer Science at Northwest Missouri State University ,USA and also Google DSC Lead at Northwest Missouri State University , being a passionate and dedicated to applying technology in ways that will change our community and our world for the better. I founded this chapter to bring together the curious, bright, and enthusiastic peers who want to help our community so that we can learn and grow together.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ... Our chapter is focused on mentoring and supporting anyone's interest in learning how to build technology. We use Google technologies to help our local community and create learning experiences for students not only in Computer Science but also Project Management, Business, or the Arts.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ...Other developer student clubs around the globe and by applying technology as integrident solve the problems around community