I am a passionate CS & ML student at Telecom Paris, exploring mathematics and technology to solve complex problems.
Recommendation System (September 2024 - October 2024)
- IMDB movie recommendation system using collaborative filtering and matrix factorization on a user-movie rating dataset
- Implementation of gradient descent variants and similarity-based methods, enhanced with custom rounding for rating predictions
SinGAN (May 2024 - June 2024)
- Worked under the supervision of Arthur Leclair (MVA teacher) on the SinGAN paper.
- Implemented a simpler version of SinGAN.
Medical Classification (April 2024)
- Developed a dermoscopic images classifier for 8 different diagnostic classes.
- Trained a UNet for segmentation.
Disaster Scenes Semantic Segmentation (June 2023)
- Trained deep learning models with PyTorch segmenting disaster scenes captured by drone
- Optimized the model making it suitable for deployment on low-power edge devices on 2GB of RAM