- Open a Command Prompt
- Navigate to a folder in which you would like to store your repositories (ex: c:\git)
- git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg
- cd vcpkg
- .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
- .\vcpkg integrate install
NOTE: The above line requires the Command Prompt to be running as an Administrator.
- .\vcpkg install opencv[contrib]:x86-uwp --recurse
NOTE: Copy the above line exactly (the []s do not indicate an optional value).
- Navigate to your Git repository folder (ex: c:\git)
- git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/MixedRealityToolkit.git
- Open the .sln file located in MixedRealityToolkit\SpectatorViewPlugin\SpectatorViewPlugin\SpectatorViewPlugin.sln
- Set the build options to Release and x86, then build the solution.
Copy the following dlls from the directory MixedRealityToolkit\SpectatorViewPlugin\SpectatorViewPlugin\Release\SpectatorViewPlugin to the directory HoloToolkit\SpectatorView\Plugins\WSA\x86\
- opencv_aruco341.dll
- opencv_calib3d341.dll
- opencv_core341.dll
- opencv_features2d341.dll
- opencv_flann341.dll
- opencv_imgproc341.dll
- zlib1.dll
- SpectatorViewPlugin.dll