With 5 years of experience in the data science and software engineering industry, I bring experience in Python and AWS. Within these ecosystems, I have successfully created data engineered solutions. Proficient in relational database design and skilled in SQL queries, I possess a solid foundation in backend development.
Other than the engineering-side I also persue other disciplines that contribute to the success of software development projects. Things like business planning and requirements gathering, SCRUM methodology, teamwork and leadership. All important for the end goal and hence important to me.
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- Terraform Webinar
- Data Warehouse Webinar
- Docker setup for a data engineering system for real estate trade Estate Marketplace, kanban
- A master data management system: Workforce Data Platform, kanban
- A stock management app "WiseBox"
- "NLP Disaster Tweets": Group submission to Kaggle's competition on classyfing tweets with NLP, part of 2022 zaprogramuj życie summer group projects
- "Crime in the UK": Group Python project on NLP analysis of crime data harvested from the web
- "Exports Performance Monitor": R Shiny web app developed for the Scottish Government, GitHub repo here.
- "Regional Economic Dashboard ": R Shiny web app developed for the Scottish Government, GitHub repo here.
- "Enterprise and Skills Dashboard ": R Shiny web app developed for the Scottish Government, GitHub repo here.
- "Wellbeing Economy Monitor": R Shiny web app developed for the Scottish Government, GitHub repo here.
- "sails": R Shiny web app developed for recruitment at Appsilon, GitHub repo here.