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Known Customer Credential Issuance


This document proposes a standardized means for PFIs (Participating Financial Institution) to perform KYC (Know Your Customer) and issue a subsequent KCC (Known Customer Credential) on a DID (Decentralized Identifer) controlled by a retail customer for the purpose of providing financial services to that DID in accordance to regulatory requirements.

Known Customer Credential

KCC (Known Customer Credential) is a VC (Verifiable Credential) which is intended to be utilized by a retail customer as proof of an actively compliant KYC verification.

Known Customer Credential Schema

The json schema for the KCC can be found here: KCC Schema. This schema defines the structure and requirements for a Known Customer Credential, ensuring all necessary information is included and correctly formatted.

Know Your Customer Background

In the financial industry, KYC (Know Your Customer) is term used to describe a set of policies, procedures, and processes that financial institutions use to determine the true identity of a customer, and assess the on-going risk that a customer poses to an organization during the life-time of a customer relationship. KYC typically encompasses:

  • Customer identification and verification (IDV);
  • Understanding the nature and purpose of customer relationships to develop a customer risk profile; and
  • Ongoing monitoring for reporting suspicious transactions and, using a risk-based approach, maintaining and updating customer information.

Regulatory KYC requirements can vary by region with respect to the information that needs to be collected, the information that needs to be validated and verified, how long that information needs to be retained, and how often various aspects of KYC need to be repeated (e.g. sanctions screening, refreshing IDV, re-collecting source of funds information).

Identity Verification

IDV (Identity Verification) is a critical component of KYC wherein the PII (Personally Identifying Information) collected from an individual is verified using third party resources. IDV often includes steps such as verification of a valid government-issued photo ID, liveness checks, and verification of user-submitted PII against authoritative databases.

Financial institutions often leverage IDV Vendors to streamline the IDV process.

IDV Vendor Integrations

Integration with IDV vendors happens in 1 of 2 ways:

PII Collected by IDV Vendor

  1. IDV Vendor provides an SDK that takes control of the user interface for PII collection
  2. PII is submitted directly to the vendor's backend system
  3. IDV Vendor notifies the PFI via webhook request when IDV is complete
  4. PFI requests IDV result and PII from IDV Vendor

PII Collected by PFI

  1. PII is submitted directly to the PFI's backend system
  2. PII is subsequently sent to the IDV vendor via the backend system for verification


The 2 styles of integration provide flexibility for PFI identity verification systems, but they don't impact Mobile Apps at all, as they have the same external behaviour.


This body of work is an extension of the work being done for tbDEX. In effect, this proposal considers the following as requirements:

  1. Must support all IDV flows described in the IDV Vendor Integrations section of this document

Ensuring that this is possible is essential to reduce friction or pain points for financial institutions interested in providing liquidity on tbDEX.

  1. Must support the ability to provide other Verifiable Credentials or Verifiable Claims as input for IDV (e.g. mDL, eIDAS, VCs from other issuers)

This requirement is critical to the value proposition of using Verifiable Credentials within the context of KYC. Performing KYC has a non-negligible cost for financial institutions which can be drastically reduced by receiving the necessary PII in a format that has been provably verified by a trusted third party.


We will need to consider scenarios wherein an individual possesses one or more "Identity Wallet" mobile applications that store credentials


We will need to consider issuance to and presentation from identity wallets that did not initiate the flow

  1. Must ensure that applications initiating KCC issuance / IDV flows for PFIs do not have to store, handle, or relay PII through the initating application's backend systems

Necessitating that PII come in contact with an application's backend systems introduces undesired complexity for many use-cases (e.g. self-custodial wallets that wish to provide on/off-ramps to their users without owning customer relationships)

  1. Must prevent individuals who already have a pre-existing account with a PFI from having to go through IDV again

A PFI could be a bank that an individual already has an account with. In this scenario, The individual should be able to log in to their pre-existing account via webview vs. having to go through IDV again.

  1. Must make use of pre-existing standards wherever possible.

Interoperability is critical for the ecosystem as a whole. This is also an implied requirement in order to leverage credentials that are already being issued/presented using pre-existing standards

Implementation Details

Concretely, the objective is to implement a solution that allows a mobile application to initiate an IDV flow with a PFI used to perform KYC that results in a Known Customer Credential issued by the PFI. This KCC can be presented by the holder to the PFI to utilize financial services (e.g. tbDEX value exchange)


As a means to provide clarity, many of the examples in this section will refer to an imaginary mobile application named Mobile App.

Mobile App is a mobile application that can be used by individuals to:

  • Purchase Stablecoin using fiat currency from a PFI via tbDEX. The PFI acts as the custodian of the purchased Stablecoin
  • Send custodied Stablecoin to anyone via tbDEX
  • Sell Stablecoin for fiat currency through a PFI via tbDEX.

Mobile App acts as a self-custodial Identity Wallet that:

  • creates a DID for each individual and securely stores private keys directly on device.
  • stores Verifiable Credentials issued to the user directly on device


  • The PFI controls a DID whose method supports service endpoints
  • The Holder controls their own DID
  • The Holder has already discovered the PFI's DID


This implementation involves 3 distinct participants that have different responsibilities:


The PFI operates an Issuer, implementing this protocol.

Mobile App

The Mobile app is responsible for:

  • Initiating the IDV flow of a PFI
  • Acquiring Credential offered by PFI

Web View


Triggered by the mobile app as a byproduct of initiating the IDV flow

The Web view is utilized to:

  • Render IDV flow of a PFI
  • Return an OID4VCI Credential Offer back to Mobile App which is then used to acquire a credential


This implementation has chosen to use Web Views to render IDV flows for the following reasons:

  • provides PFI with maximal flexibility as to how they collect Personal Information from an individual
  • prevents Wallets / Mobile Apps from having to update source code in order to integrate with different PFIs
  • establish a clear distinction between the application initiating the flow and a PFI

Multiple Credential Types

Financial service providers often perform KYC incrementally in response to customer's expressed intent to access services. For example, minimal upfront diligence on newly onboarded customers, followed by additional diligence when the customer's activity passes a threshold.

A KCC Issuer may define multiple KCC types to represent different levels of KYC diligence, and describe each with a Presentation Definition. Mobile Apps which hold a previously issued KCC may apply for new credentials to acquire a higher level KCC (see Initiate Application)

Credential Application Flow


actor A as Applicant
participant W as Webview
participant D as Mobile App
participant P as PFI
participant I as IDV

rect rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
    D->>+P: Initiate KCC application
    Note right of I: Initiate Application
    P-->>-D: IDV Request
rect rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
    D->>+W: Load URL
    Note right of I: Collect IDV
    A->>W: Provide identity data
    W->>+I: Applicant identity data
    deactivate W
rect rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
    D->>+P: Request KCC
    Note right of I: Credential Issuance
    P-->>-D: Issue KCC

Discover Initiation Endpoint

PFI's can become publicly discoverable by advertising their IDV endpoint as a Service within their DID Document. In order to increase the likelihood of being discovered, the service entry SHOULD include the following properties:

Property Value
id MUST be equal to the DID URI with an appended idv fragment, example did:example:123#idv, therefore the service MAY be dereferenced.
type IDV
serviceEndpoint PFI's publicly addressable IDV endpoint for usage in Initiate Application.


Decentralized discoverability is dependent upon whether the underlying verifiable registry of the selected DID Method is crawlable

Initiate Application

The application flow is initiated with a SIOPv2 interaction that authenticates the applicant's DID.


participant W as Webview
participant D as Mobile App
participant P as PFI

D->>+P: GET
P->>P: Construct SIOPv2 Authorization Request
P-->>-D: SIOPv2 Authorization Request
D->>D: Construct SIOPv2 Authorization Response
D->>+P: SIOPv2 Authorization Response
P->>P: Construct IDV Request
P-->>-D: IDV Request
D->>D: Verify IDV Request
D->>W: Load URL in IDV Request
  1. Mobile App sends an HTTP GET request to the serviceEndpoint specified in Discover Initiation Endpoint
  2. PFI constructs a SIOPv2 Authorization Request
  3. PFI URI-encodes SIOPv2 Authorization Request and returns in HTTP response
  4. Mobile App verifies integrity of SIOPv2 Authorization Request and constructs a SIOPv2 Authorization Response
  5. Mobile App POSTs SIOPv2 Authorization Response to the response_uri from the SIOPv2 Authorization Request
  6. PFI verifies integrity of SIOPv2 Authorization Response and constructs IDV Request
  7. PFI returns IDV Request in HTTP response
  8. Mobile App verifies integrity of IDV Request
  9. Mobile App loads URL provided in IDV Request in Webview


An HTTP GET request begins the IDV and KCC issuance flow.

Query Parameter Description Required References Comments
presentation_definition_id The ID of a presentation definition describing the KCC to be issued. n Presentation Exchange 2.0.0 tbDEX Offering If not provided, the PFI chooses which KCC to issue


The response is a SIOPv2 Authorization Request.

Field Description Required References Comments
client_id The DID of the Relying Party (the PFI) y
scope What's being requested. 'openid' indicates ID Token is being requested y OIDC
response_type What sort of response the RP is expecting. MUST include id_token. MAY include vp_token y OIDC
response_uri The URI to which the SIOPv2 Authorization Response will be sent y OID4VP
response_mode The mode in which the SIOPv2 Authorization Response will be sent. MUST be direct_post y OID4VP
presentation_definition Used by PFI to request VCs as input to IDV process n OID4VP If present, Response Type vp_token MUST also be present
nonce A nonce which MUST be included in the ID Token provided in the SIOPv2 Authorization Response y
client_metadata A JSON object containing the Verifier metadata values y OIDC SIOPv2

Client Metadata

Field Description Required References Comments
subject_syntax_types_supported Array of strings, each a DID method supported for the subject of ID Token y SIOPv2 Example ["did:dht", "did:jwk"]
client_name Human-readable string name of the client to be presented to the end-user during authorization n RFC7591
client_uri URI of a web page providing information about the client n RFC7591
logo_uri URI of an image logo for the client n RFC7591
contacts Array of strings representing ways to contact people responsible for this client, typically email addresses n RFC7591
tos_uri URI that points to a terms of service document for the client n RFC7591
policy_uri URI that points to a privacy policy document n RFC7591


the inclusion of presentation_definition as per OID4VP allows for other verifiable credentials to be provided as input for IDV.

URI Encoding

The SIOPv2 Authorization Request is encoded as a URI before being returned to Mobile App, as per SIOPv2. No authorization_endpoint is used in the URI, so it is the query parameter portion of the URI only.

Authenticate Applicant DID

The Mobile App responds with a Cross-Device SIOPv2 Authorization Response.


Field Description Required References Comments
id_token A self issued, signed JWT which responds to the SIOPv2 Authorization Request y JWT SIOPv2
vp_token A Verifiable Presentation or an array of VPs in response to presentation_definition n OIDV4VP
presentation_submission A Presentation Submission that contains mappings between the requested VC and where to find them within vp_token n OIDV4VP

ID Token

Field Description Required References Comments
iss Issuer MUST match the value of sub (Applicant's DID) y
sub Subject. The DID of the customer applying for KCC y
aud Audience MUST match the value of client_id from the SIOPv2 Authorization Request (PFI's DID) y
nonce Nonce MUST match the value of nonce from the SIOPv2 Authorization Request y
exp Expiry time y
iat Issued at time y


The response is an IDV Request.

Field Description Required References Comments
url URL of form used to collect PII y Required for now until we figure out how to support exclusively providing credentials as input
credential_offer y OID4VCI

Credential Offer

Field Description Required References Comments
credential_issuer The URL of the Credential Issuer that the Mobile App will interact with in subsequent steps y OID4VCI
credential_configuration_ids Array of unique strings that each identify a credential being offered. Mobile App can use these to request metadata y OID4VCI
grants Object containing Grant Types that the Credential Issuer will accept for this credential offer. MUST contain urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code y OID4VCI


Field Description Required References Comments
urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code Grant Type that allows the Mobile App to follow a Pre-Authorized Code Flow to collect the credential y OID4VCI

Grant Type: urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code

Field Description Required References Comments
pre-authorized_code The code representing the Credential Issuer's authorization for the Mobile App to obtain a credential y OID4VCI


TODO: explain rationale behind providing credential_offer at this stage

IDV Collection

The IDV Request sent to the Mobile App contains a url field. The Mobile App MUST load this URL in an embedded webview. The Applicant is guided through whatever steps are necessary to collect identity data and submit to the IDV server. The webview MUST close itself when the application steps are complete.


Whether the PFI is utilizing an IDV vendor is entirely opaque from the originating mobile app's perspective.

IDV Vendor Collects PII


actor A as Applicant 
participant W as Webview
participant D as Mobile App
participant P as PFI
participant V as IDV Vendor

D->>W: Load URL
A->>W: Provide PII, Submit
W->>V: PII
V->>V: Process
V->>W: Callback URI or 200
W->>W: Close

PFI collects PII


actor A as Applicant 
participant W as Webview
participant D as Mobile App
participant P as PFI

D->>W: Load URL
loop until 200 response
    A->>W: Provide PII, Submit
    W->>P: PII
    P->>P: Process
    P->>W: 200 or 400 with errors
W->>W: Close

Credential Issuance

Credential Issuance is an OID4VCI Pre-Authorized Code flow:


participant D as Mobile App
participant P as PFI

D->>+P: GET Authorization metadata
P-->>-D: Authorization Server metadata
D->>+P: Token Endpoint
P-->>-D: Access Token
D->>+P: GET Credential metadata
P-->>-D: Credential Issuer metadata
D->>+P: Issue credential
P-->>-D: Credential
  1. GET well-known oauth-authorization-server endpoint
  2. PFI returns Authorization Server Metadata
  3. Token Request containing pre-authorized_code
  4. Token Response containing an Access Token
  5. GET well-known openid-credential-issuer endpoint
  6. PFI returns Credential Issuer Metadata
  7. Request credentials
  8. PFI issues credential

Metadata Endpoints

Metadata resources are hosted by the Credential Issuer as a means of informing clients of endpoint locations, technical capabilities, feature support and (internationalized) display information.

Well Known Endpoints

Credential Issuers are required to set up a number of well known endpoints to facilitate authorization and credential issuance as follows.

URLs to retrieve both Credential Issuer Metadata and Authorization Server Metadata are dynamically constructed by the client using .well-known URI's.

Where credential_issuer originates from within the Credential Offer from within the IDV Request.

Credential Issuer Metadata

The Credential Issuer Metadata informs clients of endpoint locations, technical capabilities, supported Credentials, and (internationalized) display information.

Field Description Required References Comments
credential_issuer URL of the Credential Issuer y OID4VCI Same value as the credential_issuer within the Credential Offer
credential_endpoint URL for the Credential Endpoint y OID4VCI
deferred_credential_endpoint URL for the Deferred Credential Endpoint y OID4VCI
credential_configurations_supported Object which defines the specifics of the credentials being issued y OID4VCI

The credential_configurations_supported is an object which defines the specifics of the credentials being issued. The credential_configurations_supported is a key/value object wherein each key corresponds to a value within the credential_configuration_ids from the Credential Offer and the value is defined with the following fields.

Field Description Required References Comments
format Format for the given credential y OID4VCI MUST be jwt_vc_json
cryptographic_binding_methods_supported List of supported DID Methods y OID4VCI MUST be ["did:web", "did:jwk", "did:dht"]
credential_signing_alg_values_supported List of supported cryprographic signing algorithms y OID4VCI MUST be EdDSA or ES256K
proof_types_supported Object that describes the supported key proof y OID4VCI MUST be {"jwt": {"proof_signing_alg_values_supported": ["EdDSA", "ES256K"]}}

Authorization Server Metadata

The Credential Issuer's Authorization Server Metadata informs clients of its endpoint locations and authorization server capabilities.

Field Description Required References Comments
issuer URL of then Credential Issuer y RFC8414 Same value as credential_issuer
token_endpoint URL for the Token Request y RFC8414



TODO we need to consider additional fields, such as authorization_endpoint (once we support the Auth Flow) or response_types_supported

Token Endpoint

The Token Endpoint issues an Access Token in exchange for the pre-authorized_code from the Credential Offer. The pre-authorized_code must be invalidated immediately upon issue of an Access Token. The Access Token can be used with the Credential Endpoint and Deferred Credential Endpoint.

The URL is the token_endpoint field of the Authorization Server Metadata.

Token Request

Field Description Required References Comments
grant_type y OID4VCI MUST be urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code
pre-authorized_code The value of pre-authorized_code from the Credential Offer y OID4VCI
client_id The client DID y OID4VCI



TODO we only support pre-auth flow now, but once we support auth flow then code will be used instead of pre-authorized_code

Successful Token Response

Clients must use the fields from token response in subsequent calls to the Credential Endpoint and Deferred Credential Endpoint.

Field Description Required References Comments
access_token The access token granted y RFC6749 access_token's are Compact Serialized JWT's.
token_type y RFC6749 MUST be bearer
expires_in Seconds from issue until the access token expires y RFC6749
c_nonce A nonce for use in the subsquent call to Credential Endpoint y OID4VCI
c_nonce_expires_in Seconds from issue until the c_nonce expires y OID4VCI

Additionally the token response MUST contain HTTP headers "Cache-Control: no-store" and "Pragma: no-cache" as per RC6749


TODO we need to define refresh token flows

access_token JOSE Header

The access_token granted by the Credential Issuer contains the following JOSE Header fields.

Field Description Required References Comments
alg (Algorithm) The cryptographic algorithm used to sign the JWT y RFC7515 MUST be EdDSA or ES256K
kid (KeyID) The fully qualified DID Key ID of the signer y RFC7515 In the form did:{method}:{identifier}#{key_id}
typ (Type) The explicit JWT type y RFC7515 MUST be at+jwt per RFC9068
access_token Claims

The access_token granted by the Credential Issuer contains the following JWT Claim fields.

Field Description Required References Comments
iss (Issuer) The DID of the Authorization Server y RFC7519
aud (Audience) The resource indicator (DID) of the Credential Issuer y RFC7519
sub (Subject) The DID of the customer applying for KCC (Applicant DID) y RFC7519
client_id (Client ID) The DID of the customer applying for KCC (Applicant DID) y RFC8693
exp (Expiration) The time at which the access_token expires y RFC7519
iat (IssuedAt) The time at which the access_token was granted y RFC7519
jti (JWT ID) A unique identifier for the token y RFC7519
c_nonce A nonce to be used in the Proof JWT y OID4VCI
c_nonce_expiry Expiry time of the c_nonce y OID4VCI

Token Error Response

The authorization server responds with an HTTP 400 (Bad Request), and an error object in the response body.

Field Description Required References Comments
error A string error code from below list y RFC6749
error_description A human-readable description of the error n RFC6749
error_uri A URI that provides additional information about the error n RFC6749
Error Codes

Error codes are defined in OID4VCI Token Error Response.

  • invalid_request
  • invalid_grant
  • invalid_client
  • unauthorized_client
  • unsupported_grant_type

Credential Endpoint

This endpoint issues a Credential (or a Transaction ID) upon presentation of a valid Access Token. The URL is the credential_endpoint field of the Credential Issuer Metadata.


participant D as Mobile App
participant P as PFI
participant V as IDV Vendor

alt Immediate Issuance
  D->>+P: Credential Request
  P->>-D: Issued Credential
else Deferred Issuance
  D->>+P: Credential Request
  P->>-D: transaction_id
  loop until credential received
    D->>+P: Deferred Credential Request
    P->>-D: issuance_pending
  V->>+P: Webhook Request w. results
  P->>P: Evaluate results and Issue Credential or Reject
  D->>+P: Deferred Credential Request
  P->>-D: Issued Credential

Credential Request

The access_token must be passed as an HTTP Authorization header (i.e. Authorization: Bearer {access_token})

Field Description Required References Comments
format The format of the credential issued y OID4VCI MUST be jwt_vc_json
proof Proof of possession of cryptographic materials y OID4VCI

proof is an object which contains proof of possession of the client's cryptographic materials.

Field Description Required References Comments
proof_type The type of proof y OID4VCI MUST be jwt
jwt The proof JWT y OID4VCI
proof.jwt JOSE Headers

For the client to prove possession of their cryptographic materials, they must construct a JWT with the following JOSE Header fields.

Field Description Required References Comments
alg (Algorithm) The cryptographic algorithm used to sign the JWT y OID4VCI MUST be EdDSA or ES256K
typ (Type) The explicit JWT type y OID4VCI MUST be openid4vci-proof+jwt
kid (KeyID) The fully qualified DID Key ID of the signer y OID4VCI In the form did:{method}:{identifier}#{key_id}
proof.jwt Claims

For the client to prove possession of their cryptographic materials, they must construct a JWT with the following JWT Claim fields.

Field Description Required References Comments
iss (Issuer) The DID of the customer applying for KCC (Applicant DID) y OID4VCI
aud (Audience) The DID of the Credential Issuer y OID4VCI
iat (IssuedAt) The time at which the key proof was created y OID4VCI
nonce The value of the c_nonce from the Token Response y OID4VCI

Credential Response

Credential Response can be immediate or deferred. If the issuer can immediately issue the requested credential, it will return it in the credential field, with an HTTP 200 (OK) status code.

If the issuer cannot immediately issue a credential it returns a transaction_id, which is to be used in a subsequent call in the Deferred Credential Request. The HTTP status code MUST be 202 (Accepted).

Field Description Required References Comments
credential The credential in jwt_vc_json format n OID4VCI If missing, transaction_id must be present
transaction_id ID used for subsequent call to Deferred Credential Request n OID4VCI If missing, then credential must be present

Credential Error Response

Authorization Errors

If the Credential Request does not contain a valid Access Token, the response is an authorization error response, as per RFC6750.

Credential Request Errors

Field Description Required References Comments
error A string error code from below list y OID4VCI
error_description A human-readable description of the error n OID4VCI

Error codes are defined by OID4VCI Credential Request Errors

  • invalid_credential_request
  • unsupported_credential_type
  • invalid_proof
  • invalid_encryption_parameters
  • invalid_request

Deferred Credential Endpoint

This endpoint issues a credential previously requested via the Credential Endpoint, in cases where the credential issuer was not able to immediately issue the credential. The URL is the deferred_credential_endpoint field of the Credential Issuer Metadata.

Deferred Credential Request

The access_token must be passed as an HTTP Authorization header (i.e. Authorization: Bearer {access_token}).

Field Description Required References Comments
transaction_id Transaction ID returned by the Credential Response y OID4VCI

Deferred Credential Response

Field Description Required References Comments
credential The credential in jwt_vc_json format y OID4VCI

Deferred Credential Error Response

When the Deferred Credential Request is invalid or the credential is not available yet, the response is an HTTP 400 (Bad Request), and an error object in the response body.

Response body is defined in Credential Error Response

Other Considerations

It may very well be the case that this approach works for identity verification in general even outside the purposes of performing KYC but it's far too early to say or have that discussion. Just something to keep in the back of our minds


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