This is a simple Java main class which acts as an acceptance smoke test
for the tbDEX Kotlin binary distribution. The Kotlin unit tests execute in
Maven using the classpath
as set by the Maven build process (ie.
). This test intentionally lives outside of the Kotlin tbDEX
project to test that it may be consumed as built (ie. the distributable JAR)
and contains the native libraries necessary to run.
This acceptance test is run by the CI jobs after building the Kotlin distribution to ensure it may be run in all supported environments.
From this folder, run:
javac \
-cp ../../bound/kt/target/tbdex-0.0.0-main-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
You may need to replace the filename of this JAR with the version as built from Maven (note that this includes the version).
From this folder, run:
java -classpath \
../../bound/kt/target/tbdex-0.0.0-main-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar:. \
You may need to replace the filename of this JAR with the version as built from Maven (note that this includes the version).
You should see output similar to:
Successfully loaded shared library for tbdex_uniffi_aarch64_apple_darwin