Kon.sh is an open source URL shortener with analytics. Made with SvelteKit and shadcn-svelte.
Note >
Please read the breaking changes section for self-hosted builds before 23 July 2024
Feel free to contribute by creating pull requests, issues and discussions.
# copy .env.example to .env and fill in the environments
bun install
npm run dev
# copy .env.example to .env and fill in the environments
go mod download
go run main.go # or air run main.go
npm install
npm run build
node build
go build
Migrate using polar.sh, if you want to keep using stripe you must add PAYMENT_PROVIDER=stripe
to .env
All stripe related features will be removed soon
New file upload feature requires a tigris/s3 bucket with webhook setup in order to work properly
Using stripe customer id instead of stripe subscription id
Existing customer subscription id will be removed from database, so have to manually find every customer with the same email and fill in their ids
Transition from using ipbase to using geoipupdate for geolocation.
Please add the following environment variables to your .env file
(WARNING) Please backup your database before attempting
A change is made to auto migrate the database on build using drizzle-kit migrate. If you wish to continue manual migration you may delete this line from the Dockerfile
RUN bun run db:migrate
If you are running a build before 16 June 2024 and planning to update the project, please run the following sql command in your database.
Command to run:
CREATE TABLE drizzle.__drizzle_migrations (
id serial PRIMARY key,
hash text NOT NULL,
created_at bigint
INSERT INTO drizzle."__drizzle_migrations" (hash,created_at) VALUES
INSERT INTO drizzle."__drizzle_migrations" (hash,created_at) VALUES