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238 lines (156 loc) · 9.44 KB

File metadata and controls

238 lines (156 loc) · 9.44 KB



If you have questions about implementation details, help or support, then please use our dedicated community forum at GitHub Discussions PLEASE NOTE: If you choose to instead open an issue for your question, your issue will be immediately closed and redirected to the forum.

Reporting Issues

If you have found what you think is a bug, please file an issue. PLEASE NOTE: Issues that are identified as implementation questions or non-issues will be immediately closed and redirected to GitHub Discussions

Suggesting new features

If you are here to suggest a feature, first create an issue if it does not already exist. From there, we will discuss use-cases for the feature and then finally discuss how it could be implemented.


If you have been assigned to fix an issue or develop a new feature, please follow these steps to get started:

  • Fork this repository.

  • Install dependencies

    pnpm install
    • We use pnpm v9 for package management (run in case of pnpm-related issues).

      corepack enable && corepack prepare
    • We use nvm to manage node versions - please make sure to use the version mentioned in .nvmrc

      nvm use
  • Build all packages.

    pnpm build:all
  • Run development server.

    pnpm run watch
  • Implement your changes and tests to files in the src/ directory and corresponding test files.

  • Document your changes in the appropriate doc page.

  • Git stage your required changes and commit (see below commit guidelines).

  • Submit PR for review.

Editing the docs locally and previewing the changes

The documentations for all the TanStack projects are hosted on, which is a TanStack Start application ( You need to run this app locally to preview your changes in the TanStack/form docs.


The website fetches the doc pages from GitHub in production, and searches for them at ../form/docs in development. Your local clone of TanStack/form needs to be in the same directory as the local clone of TansStack/

You can follow these steps to set up the docs for local development:

  1. Make a new directory called tanstack.
mkdir tanstack
  1. Enter that directory and clone the TanStack/form and TanStack/ repos.
cd tanstack
git clone
# We probably don't need all the branches and commit history
# from the `` repo, so let's just create a shallow
# clone of the latest version of the `main` branch.
# Read more about shallow clones here:
git clone --depth=1 --single-branch --branch=main


Your tanstack directory should look like this:

   +-- form/ (<-- this directory cannot be called anything else!)
  1. Enter the tanstack/ directory, install the dependencies and run the app in dev mode:
pnpm i
# The app will run on https://localhost:3000 by default
pnpm dev
  1. Now you can visit http://localhost:3000/form/latest/docs/overview in the browser and see the changes you make in tanstack/form/docs there.


You will need to update the docs/config.json file (in TanStack/form) if you add a new documentation page!

You can see the whole process in the screen capture below:


Running examples

  • Make sure you've installed the dependencies in the repo's root directory.

    pnpm install
  • If you want to run the example against your local changes, run below in the repo's root directory. Otherwise, it will be run against the latest TanStack Form release.

    pnpm run watch
  • Run below in the selected examples' directory.

    pnpm run dev

Note on standalone execution

If you want to run an example without installing dependencies for the whole repo, just follow instructions from the example's file. It will be then run against the latest TanStack Form release.

Online one-click setup

You can use Gitpod (An Online Open Source VS Code like IDE which is free for Open Source) for developing online. With a single click it will start a workspace and automatically:

  • clone the TanStack/form repo.

  • install all the dependencies in / and /docs.

  • run below in the root(/) to Auto-build files.

    npm start
  • run below in /docs.

    npm run dev

Open in Gitpod

Commit message conventions

TanStack/form is using Angular Commit Message Conventions.

We have very precise rules over how our git commit messages can be formatted. This leads to more readable messages that are easy to follow when looking through the project history.

Commit Message Format

Each commit message consists of a header, a body and a footer. The header has a special format that includes a type, a scope and a subject:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

The header is mandatory and the scope of the header is optional.

Any line of the commit message cannot be longer than 100 characters! This allows the message to be easier to read on GitHub as well as in various git tools.


Must be one of the following:

  • feat: A new feature
  • fix: A bug fix
  • docs: Documentation only changes
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semicolons, etc.)
  • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • perf: A code change that improves performance
  • test: Adding missing or correcting existing tests
  • chore: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation


The scope could be anything specifying place of the commit change. For example form-core, react-form etc...

You can use * when the change affects more than a single scope.


The subject contains succinct description of the change:

  • use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes"
  • don't capitalize first letter
  • no dot (.) at the end


Just as in the subject, use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes". The body should include the motivation for the change and contrast this with previous behavior.


The footer should contain any information about Breaking Changes and is also the place to reference GitHub issues that this commit closes.

Breaking Changes should start with the word BREAKING CHANGE: with a space or two newlines. The rest of the commit message is then used for this.


Here is an example of the release type that will be done based on a commit messages:

Commit message Release type
fix(pencil): stop graphite breaking when too much pressure applied Patch Release
feat(pencil): add graphiteWidth option Minor Feature Release
perf(pencil): remove graphiteWidth option

BREAKING CHANGE: The graphiteWidth option has been removed.
The default graphite width of 10mm is always used for performance reasons.
Major Breaking Release


If the commit reverts a previous commit, it should begin with revert:, followed by the header of the reverted commit. In the body it should say: This reverts commit <hash>., where the hash is the SHA of the commit being reverted.

Pull requests

Maintainers merge pull requests by squashing all commits and editing the commit message if necessary using the GitHub user interface.

Use an appropriate commit type. Be especially careful with breaking changes.


For each new commit added to main with git push or by merging a pull request or merging from another branch, a GitHub action is triggered and runs the semantic-release command to make a release if there are codebase changes since the last release that affect the package functionalities.