Keyword spotting on Arm Cortex-M Microcontrollers
tensorfolw语音模型训练脚本,支持dnn, crnn,cnn,ds-cnn from
Ultra-lightweight JavaScript engine for the Internet of Things.
hotsauce1861 / osal
Forked from mcuwty/osalOSAL(operating system abstraction layer),操作系统抽象层,一种以实现多任务为核心的系统资源管理机制
This is the release repository for Fan Control, a highly customizable fan controlling software for Windows.
A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
Documentation and issue tracker for nRF Connect for Android.
Some notes or translations about operating system or programming language.
An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
Official electron build of
xihua13104 / btstack-for-study
Forked from bluekitchen/btstackDual-mode Bluetooth stack, with small memory footprint.
Dual-mode Bluetooth stack, with small memory footprint.
RT-Thread is an open source IoT Real-Time Operating System (RTOS).