Exports Telegram conversation history to JSON and flat text files.
Written in C# using TLSharp
In order to use the export tool, you will need a Telegram Developer account. Create a developer account at https://my.telegram.org/ and then access the API development tools to retrieve your api_id and api_hash.
If you just want to export a conversation, download the dist
folder and run TelegramHistory.exe directly. You will need to add your api_id and api_hash to TelegramHistory.exe.config
using Notepad or a similar text editor before you begin. You can also add your phone number in international format to avoid having to input it each time you run the app.
TelegramHistory uses a forked version of TLSharp available here. I've submitted a pull request incoporating my changes, so I'll remove/update this message appropriately if it gets merged. The repository includes a release build of the library anyway, so this is only relevent if you need to debug or change the underlying library.
TelegramHistory is licensed under the MIT License.