Bypass restrictions on non-SDK interfaces.
Why AndroidHiddenApiBypass?
- Pure Java: no native code used.
- Reliable: does not rely on specific behaviors, so it will not be blocked like meta-reflection or
. - Stable:
, art structs andsetHiddenApiExemptions
are stable APIs.
repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { implementation 'org.lsposed.hiddenapibypass:hiddenapibypass:5.0' }
Invoke a restricted method:
HiddenApiBypass.invoke(ApplicationInfo.class, new ApplicationInfo(), "usesNonSdkApi"/, args/)
Invoke restricted constructor:
Object instance = HiddenApiBypass.newInstance(Class.forName("$Default")/, args/);
Get all methods including restricted ones from a class:
var allMethods = HiddenApiBypass.getDeclaredMethods(ApplicationInfo.class); ((Method).stream(allMethods).filter(e -> e.getName().equals("usesNonSdkApi")).findFirst().get()).invoke(new ApplicationInfo());
Get all non-static fields including restricted ones from a class:
var allInstanceFields = HiddenApiBypass.getInstanceFields(ApplicationInfo.class); ((Method).stream(allInstanceFields).filter(e -> e.getName().equals("longVersionCode")).findFirst().get()).get(new ApplicationInfo());
Get all static fields including restricted ones from a class:
var allStaticFields = HiddenApiBypass.getStaticFields(ApplicationInfo.class); ((Method).stream(allStaticFields).filter(e -> e.getName().equals("HIDDEN_API_ENFORCEMENT_DEFAULT")).findFirst().get()).get(null);
Get specific class method or class constructor
var ctor = HiddenApiBypass.getDeclaredConstructor(ClipDrawable.class /*, args /); var method = HiddenApiBypass.getDeclaredMethod(ApplicationInfo.class, "getHiddenApiEnforcementPolicy" /, args */);
Add a class to exemption list:
HiddenApiBypass.addHiddenApiExemptions( "Landroid/content/pm/ApplicationInfo;", // one specific class "Ldalvik/system" // all classes in packages dalvik.system "Lx" // all classes whose full name is started with x );
if you are going to add all classes to exemption list, just leave an empty prefix: