"Publish your words in your way! Whether you'd like to share your knowledge, experiences or the latest news, publish your own articles in a unique and smart way"
CodeNext is a new social blogging platform where anybody can share their views and read other's opinion related to any topic π§Ύ. It is a way to connect with people and to know how the world is thinking. CodeNext is created using the MongoDB, Express, React and NodeJS (MERN Stack) π.
Some of the technologies used in the development of this web application are as follow:
- MongoDB Atlas: It provides a free cloud service to store MongoDB collections.
- React.js: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Node.js: A runtime environment to help build fast server applications using JS.
- Express.js: A popular Node.js framework to build scalable server-side for web applications.
- Mongoose: An ODM(Object Data Modelling)library for MongoDB and Node.js
- Heroku: A platform(PaaS) to deploy full stack web applications for free.
- JSON Web Tokens or JWTs: A standard to securely authenticate HTTP requests
- Bootstrap 4: A popular framework for building responsive, mobile-first sites
- Basic knowledge of programming
- Ability to use Git and Github
- Working knowledge of Flutter is preferable
- UI/UX skills are appreciable but not mandatory
- Write clear meaningful git commit messages (Do read this).
- Make sure your PR's description contains GitHub's special keyword references that automatically close the related issue when the PR is merged. (Check this for more info)
- When you make very very minor changes to a PR of yours (like for example fixing a text in button, minor changes requested by reviewers) make sure you squash your commits afterward so that you don't have an absurd number of commits for a very small fix. (Learn how to squash at here)
- When you're submitting a PR for a UI-related issue, it would be really awesome if you add a screenshot of your change or a link to a deployment where it can be tested out along with your PR. It makes it very easy for the reviewers and you'll also get reviews quicker.
- Please follow the PR Template to create the PR.
- Always create PR to develop branch.
- Please read our Code of Conduct.