I'm an aspiring young developer looking to spread the joy of pixel art to the entire world!
- Born in the United States, I am a native English speaker with Spanish as my second language.
- I began my programming journey almost 6 years ago with some prior block-coding knowledge from Scratch.
As a programmer I enjoy low-level systems programming, and backend development. However I have also done some frontend projects.
- I know low-level graphics programming with openGL and SDL2, aswell as window management with GLFW. (
Rust &
- I've created multiple Discord bots and applications (
Lua, &
- Worked on a couple of small games using the Godot game engine, and various other engines such as Macroquad. (
Rust &
- Created several SPAs (Single Page Applications) and frontend development projects (
CSS, &
- Fiddled around making minimal desktop applications with frameworks such as GTK, EGUI, and Tkinter (
Julia, &
I am currently working on my first main project .spf (SimplePixelFont) files. These files store pixelated fonts that are small in byte size yet still provide a lot of flexibility. You can check out a working example of these files at https://the-nice-one.github.io/web-spf/.