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Tags: TheAlphamerc/flutter_twitter_clone



Toggle 1.0.7's commit message
🔖 Release android v1.0.7


Toggle v1.0.6's commit message
🔖 v1.0.6 Launch

1. ✨In user profile page three tabs are added to filter tweet and commnet tweet and tweet with media.
2 ✨ User profile pic view added to view user profile picture.
3 ✨ User can tag other users in tweet, comment and in retweet.
4 ✨A notification will send to you if someone tag you in a tweet.
5 ✨ After tapping on notification from system notification tray, you will redirect to user profile who tagged you.
6 ✨ Chat list sorted by last message.
7 ✨ Last message and message time is added on chat userlist page.
8 ✨ Performance improved


Toggle v1.0.5's commit message
🔖 v1.0.5 Launch

1. ✨Notification on chat message in system tray.
2. ✨Now if user click on comment Tweet it's parent tweet will visible in detail.
3 ✨Google login button added on signup page.
4. ✨Null value alert issue on forgot password fixed
5. ✨Hash tags font weight and size issue fixed.


Toggle v1.0.4's commit message
🔖 v1.0.4 Launch

1. ✨ User sort feature added on user search page.
2. ✨ Added pull to refresh on search page.
3. ✨ Newest Tweet will show first in Tweet list.
4. ✨ Newest comment tweet will show first in comment Tweet list.


Toggle v1.0.3's commit message
🔖 v1.0.3 Launch

:gug: Fix google login issue at first time app launch.


Toggle v1.0.2's commit message
🐛 fix missing package by updating project name


Toggle v1.0.1's commit message
🐛 fix missing package by updating project name


Toggle v1.0.0's commit message
🐛 fix missing package by updating project name