I'm a software developer with 7+ years of experience, working mainly on backend development with .NET and PHP, buidling solutions using cloud services mostly on Azure and AWS and sometimes doing front end stuff, both web (React and VueJs) and mobile (Android and iOS). Working by day as a Software Developer on a investment broker startup and on the free time I like to write posts on medium, build some personal side projects, do some freelances and studying to enhance my hard and soft skills.
I'm a computer science bachelor, built as a final paper a gamification plataform for touristics itineraries. You can here more about in my video (it's in portuguese language).
📓 LawBook: An object validator, helps you defining the limitations of your objects.
🪙 Bacen.Dollar.Api.Client: A .NET REST API Client to get the Dollar quotation by dates.
🌭 Frankfurter.API.Client: Client for Currencies exchange rates published by the European Central Bank.
🐷 Bacon.Ipsum.API.Client: Text generator for using as placeholder to front-end applications to test the responsivity
💼 Receitaws.API.Client: Gives you data and information about brazilian companies and enterprises.
🏅 AZ-900: Azure Fundamentals
- Learning how to use AWS CDK with .NET as the IaC to your projects
- Web Scrapping with .NET and Selenium Webdriver
- How to easily build and deploy a website on Azure Static Web Apps
- Using Azure Container Apps to run your docker images
- Mocking your appsettings in unit tests on .NET
- Cloud flavours on Azure: The different types of cloud services