This document explains the purpose of all projects in this GitHub for all non-confidential projects that I have achieved. Some of them were made in groups.
This project is the 2nd largest project that I have ever made. This is a one-year project in which we try to combat fake news and misinformation of the youngest. This project brings together:
- A website in ReactJS which displays articles about global disaster news
- A scrapper of data in Python
- A Backend (API REST) in C# .NET Core
- A Unity game in C# for young people to play while learning.
The game is updated on the collaboration tool built into Unity. Thus, it is not always up to date on this git. Indeed, git handles very poorly games unlike perforce.
This project, made in group of 4 people, is the 3rd largest project that I made. This is a 8 months project in which we can visualize any mindmaps and we can share them to other users or publicly. This project brings togehter:
- A website in ReactJS
- A Backend (API REST) in Java Spring
This project is easily deployable on AWS cloud using Terraform or docker
Website made in C#, ASP .NET Core, to manage inventory and employees of a store. Different roles are managed, for example, customers can see the remaining inventory in the store while employees/administrators can log in to change inventory, add products, etc. Administrators can manage the list of employees. Password management is GDPR compliant, storage and password usage are encrypted and secure. This project is deployable via Docker or IIS.
This project is a Unity game created from an image of the May 68’s french student strikes. The goal was to make a game in 1 week from this image. Our teachers wanted to test our ability to adapt and our imagination. In one week, we made a complete game in which you can control police squads and must stop the protesters before they escape in Paris subways or before they knock out all your police officers. The game is in 3D, fully animated and with sound.
/!\ Disclaimer The game, being stored on Git, may not directly work due to a configuration problem, indeed, Git deletes some configuration of the game when someone clones it. The project was carried out via Unity's collaboration system and was subsequently stored on GitHub. If you want to test this game, you will first have to correct configurations set to NULL.
This project I made almost alone is an Android mobile application made in Kotlin that allows you to visualize all existing Pokemons, their statistics, their weaknesses, and their strengths. It also allows you to fight in 3 vs 3 against an AI. To make sure this application is always up to date, it collects all its data from
This project is a personal project that I carry out alone. It is still under development. It is a mobile game in which the player must survive as long as possible in space and must avoid rockets, mines while recovering gems to increase his score. Many features are present in this project as an achievement system, a manger of different languages. Edit: This Game is on the Google Play Store. Thus I won't put the source code on public.
This project is a REST Spring Boot API. This API allows any developer of rpg game to manage their characters, skills, weapons, mounts etc. This project helps to manage data transfer between the game and the database that saves the game state. This API is easily maintainable and improvable.
This project was made during EPITA's Software Craftmanship course. The goal was to create a REST API in Java to manage LinkedIn accounts. The goal of this project was to create a basic API that LinkedIn could use. We took this opportunity to implement a system of e-mail delivery, data export as an excel file, tests in Cucumber etc.
This project was created during the Google HashCode 2018. To challenge us, this project was entirely made in C. It did not help us to rank high that year, but it taught us useful things for the EPITA piscine. Nevertheless, we were able to improve our rank during the Google HashCode 2019 which we made in C++ to challenge ourselves and during the Google HashCode 2020 which we made in Python.
EPITA Piscine :