This Bridge allows to control Warema WMS equipment. In order to use this bridge you'll need a Warema WMS stick (
MQTT_SERVER : MQTT server url (ie: mqtt://localhost:1883)
MQTT_USER : Username for MQTT server authentication
MQTT_PASSWORD : Password for MQTT server authentication
MQTT_VERSION : MQTT Version for server connect. The default is 4 (v3.1.1) and can be modified to 3 (v3.1) and 5 (v5.0)
MQTT_CLIENTID : MQTT Client ID. If unset, the default is 'mqttjs_' + random eight-digit number
IGNORED_DEVICES : A comma-separated list of device ids to exclude from the results of network scanning. Any excluded device will not show up in MQTT, and the integration will ignore any status or position updates coming from it.
: A comma-separated list of devices to monitor for status and position updates. The devices included in this list will be added to MQTT even
if the automatic scanning process can't detect them. Their online status will be updated whenever they are in range. You can specify a particular device type for the forced devices
using the format DEVICE_ID:DEVICE_TYPE
for each device in the list. In case no type is specified, type 25 is assumed (radio-controlled motor). For a list of supported device types check
POLLING_INTERVAL : Default value: 30000. Time interval in ms between each request to all devices to report their position and state.
MOVING_INTERVAL : Default value: 1000. Minimum value: 100, Time interval between each request to a moving device to report position and state. This applies only to covers being opened or closed, for the duration of the operation or until stopped. Set to 0 to disable.
: Use these parameters to configure the WMS network your devices are connected to. In order to discover the parameters, start the addon with a PAN_ID
equal to
, and follow the instructions described at the WMS network parameter discovery section (here).
: Default value: /dev/ttyUSB0
. Device path for the WMS Usb Key.
: Default value: info
. Log level, one of [error, warn, info , http , verbose , debug , silly]
(in increasing order).
In order to control WMS devices, the addon must be configured with the network parameters, which can be discovered through a brief process. You can initiate this process by starting the add-on with default parameters, or run it standalone with a command similar to the following:
docker run -it -e WMS_PAN_ID=FFFF -e WMS_SERIAL_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0 wms2mqtt
When the panId
configuration env parameter is set to "FFFF"
, the stick will enter discovery mode and print out
instructions on the console on how to retrieve your network configuration using a remote.
You will see something resembling the following:
Starting getting network parameters...
- Open the battery case of the WMS Handheld transmitter.
- Select the channel using the (+) button.
Notice: If an unassigned channel is selected, press the (+) button for 5 s.
As soon as the LED flashes, all channels can be selected by
pressing the (+) button again
- Press the learn button in the battery case of the WMS Handheld
transmitter for approx. 5 s. LEDS go green; the transmission LED flashes.
For several seconds, the WMSHand-held transmitter plus scans the operating
range for devices.
- Each time when scanning stops with red LED perform steps:
1) When you press the control button (A), you can check WHICH target device
was just found.
2) If you can *not* see the output
"*** Waving and Hello!"
on the screen after pressing (A) another device than the WMS Stick has
been found. Press the (C) button to switch to the next receiver.
3) If you can see the output
"*** Waving and Hello!"
on the screen after pressing (A) then the WMS Stick has been found.
Press the STOP button to assign the WMS Stick to the channel. After
pressing STOP the network parameters are displayed on the screen.
- Press Ctrl-C to abort.
Once the remote is in "learning mode", and you pressed the (A) button to identify devices, you should start seeing messages like:
*** Stick scanned by SNR 123456.
*** Stick scanned by SNR 123456.
*** Stick scanned by SNR 123456.
*** *** Waving and Hello! (requested from SNR 123456)
*** *** Waving and Hello! (requested from SNR 123456)
Use these logs to make sure you are using the right network channel for the intended devices. Once you are happy that (most of) your devices are discovered, by pressing the "stop" button on the remote, you should finally be able to see the network parameters:
*** WMS Network parameters successfully detected:
Channel: 17
PanId: 1A2B
Key: 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF
- Write down and remember the network parameters.
- Briefly press the learn button on the back of WMS Handheld transmitter to
stop the scanning process.
- Press Ctrl-C to stop program.
At this point you have all the configuration needed to setup the addon. You'll need to add these configuration parameters to the environment variables. The process for doing so changes depending on how you are running the addon.
You'll have to restart the addon container with the new configuration to reinitialize the WMS stick using the correct parameters.
Install Node.js on Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W:
curl -o- | bash
Restart terminal and install Node 18:
nvm install 18