- Cologne, Germany
- 1h ahead - https://timobechtel.com
- @TimoBechtel
- https://bsky.app/profile/timobechtel.com
- Pro
socketdb Public
Real-time data synchronization
style Public
Highly opinionated config files (Prettier, ESLint, TSConfig)
raycast-extensions Public
Forked from raycast/extensionsEverything you need to extend Raycast.
evalcache Public
Forked from mroth/evalcache🐣 zsh plugin to cache eval loads to improve shell startup time
Shell MIT License UpdatedFeb 27, 2024 -
krog Public
Add a hooks based plugin system to your library.
hey-comma Public
Run shell commands using natural language
obsidian-releases Public
Forked from obsidianmd/obsidian-releasesCommunity plugins list, theme list, and releases of Obsidian.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 14, 2023 -
obsidian-lazy-cursor Public
Obsidian plugin that initially hides the cursor when opening a note
template-ts-lib Public template
Typescript project template for library authors.
eversleep Public
Everyman sleep calculator
vscode-yolo Public
One command to push all your broken code straight to master.
transition-magic Public
Programatically set css transition state
draggins Public
Make things draggable on mobile or desktop
oh-snack Public
Delicious snackbar notifications
json2url Public
Encodes and decodes javascript objects into/from an url usable string
stageset Public
Trigger actions when elements enter or exit the browser stage / viewport.
morfy Public
Fast morphing library for the web
mdlaunch Public
Quickly spin up a HTML presentation from any existing markdown file.
easycontext Public
Simple contextmenu for the web
bmc-creator Public
Very basic tool for creating / editing a Business Model Canvas
settings-ui Public
Easily generate web forms with data binding using a JSON template
svelte-component-example Public
Example reusable ui components with svelte
satzbau Public
Natural language generator for german
stapigen Public
Static API Generator - Generate a file-based JSON API for any set of files
stapigen-plugin-openapi Public
A stapigen plugin that generates OpenAPI 3 definitions.
rollup-base-template Public archive
Extended template for rollup builds
css-vars-from-json Public
Generates CSS custom properties (variables) from json or javascript object.