TinyAIOT backend project built with Node.js and TypeScript.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:
- Node.js (v12 or higher)
- npm (usually comes with Node.js)
Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:TinyAIoT/trashcan-backend.git cd backend
Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Create a
file in the root directory of the project. - Add the necessary environment variables (e.g., database connection string, JWT secret, etc.).
This project includes several npm scripts to help you develop, build, and run the application:
npm run dev
: Starts the development server using nodemon for auto-reloading.npm run build
: Compiles the TypeScript code to JavaScript.npm start
: Runs the compiled JavaScript code.npm run serve
: An alias fornpm start
To start the development server with auto-reloading:
npm run dev
To build the project for production:
npm run build
This will compile the TypeScript code into JavaScript in the dist
To run the built project:
npm start
npm run serve
This project uses several key dependencies:
- Express.js: Web application framework
- Mongoose: MongoDB object modeling tool
- bcrypt: Password hashing
- jsonwebtoken: JWT authentication
- MQTT: For MQTT protocol support
- cors: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- dotenv: Environment variable management
For a full list of dependencies and devDependencies, please refer to the package.json
This is a backend project built with Node.js and TypeScript.
This section provides documentation for the implemented API endpoints in the backend. These can be used to ensure smooth usage by the frontend team.
The base URL for all API requests is:
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Universal login route for all types of Users ('USER', 'ADMIN', 'SUPERADMIN')
- Body Parameters:
(String): The user's email addresspassword
(String): The user's password
- Status Codes:
- 200: OK
- 401: Unauthorized (invalid credentials)
- 404: Not found (user not found)
- 500: Internal server error
- Response Example:
{ "message": "Logged in successfully.", "user": { "id": "664db395875c07239abe7879", "email": "superadmin@tinyaiot.com", "role": "SUPERADMIN" }, "token": "JpZCI6IjY2NGRiMzk1ODc1YzA3MjM5YWJlNzg3OSIsInJvbGUiOiJTVVBFUkFETUlOIiwiaWF0IjoxNzE3NTg0MzA2LCJleHAiOjE3MTc3NTcxMDZ9.swgoMlWCL_opDSa-rhgcCt6RhaympBkfzZPj7Ap4tSc" }
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Universal signup route for User types ('USER', 'ADMIN'). Only users with the role ADMIN or SUPERADMIN can create new users.
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Body Parameters:
(String): The role of the new user ('USER', 'ADMIN', 'SUPERADMIN')email
(String): The email address for the new userpassword
(String): The password for the new userprojects
(Array): An array of project IDs the user is associated withpreferences
(Object): User preferences includinglanguage
- Status Codes:
- 201: Created
- 403: Forbidden (choose role SUPERADMIN or ADMIN)
- 409: Conflict (user already existing)
- 500: Internal server error
- Request Body Example:
{ "role": "USER", "email": "newuser@example.com", "password": "newuserpassword", "projects": ["60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16a2"], "preferences": { "language": "EN", "themeIsDark": false } }
- URL:
- Method: PATCH
- Description: Updates an existing user's details. Only SUPERADMIN can update all users. ADMIN can update users related to their projects, and users can update their own details.
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Body Parameters:
(String): The ID of the user to updaterole
(String, optional): The new role of the user ('USER', 'ADMIN')email
(String, optional): The new email address of the userpassword
(String, optional): The new password for the userprojects
(Array, optional): An updated array of project IDs the user is associated withpreferences
(Object, optional): Updated user preferences includinglanguage
- Status Codes:
- 200: OK
- 403: Forbidden (user can only update itself, otherwise choose role SUPERADMIN or ADMIN)
- 404: Not found (user not found)
- 500: Internal server error
- Response Example:
{ "message": "User updated successfully.", "user": { "id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1", "email": "updatedemail@example.com", "role": "USER", "projects": ["60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16a2"], "preferences": { "language": "DE", "themeIsDark": true } } }
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Get a specific city by its ID
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Path Parameters:
(String): The ID of the city to retrieve
- Status Codes:
- 200: OK
- 404: City not found (city is not yet created)
- 500: Internal server error
- Response Example:
{ "message": "City found", "city": { "_id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1", "name": "Münster", "createdAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z" } }
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Get a list of all cities
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Status Codes:
- 200: OK
- 500: Internal server error
- Response Example:
{ "message": "Cities found", "cities": [ { "_id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1", "name": "Münster", "createdAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z" }, { "_id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b2", "name": "Emsdetten", "createdAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z" } ] }
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Create a new city. Only users with the role SUPERADMIN can create new cities.
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Body Parameters:
(String): The name of the city, must be unique
- Status Codes:
- 201: Created
- 403: Forbidden (choose role SUPERADMIN)
- 409: Conflict (city already exists)
- 500: Internal server error
- Response Example:
{ "_id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b3", "name": "Hamburg", "createdAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z" }
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Get a list of all projects
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Status Codes:
- 200: OK
- 500: Internal server error
- Response Example:
{ "projects": [ { "_id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1", "name": "Project 1", "city": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1", "users": ["60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1"], "centerCoords": [7.6261, 51.9607], "initialZoom": 10, "preferences": { "fillThresholds": [30, 70], "batteryThresholds": [30, 70] }, "createdAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z" } ] }
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Get a specific project by its ID
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Path Parameters:
(String): The ID of the project to retrieve
- Status Codes:
- 200: OK
- 404: Project not found (project is not yet created)
- 500: Internal server error
- Response Example:
{ "project": { "_id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1", "name": "Project Alpha", "city": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1", "users": ["60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1"], "centerCoords": [7.6261, 51.9607], "initialZoom": 10, "preferences": { "fillThresholds": [30, 70], "batteryThresholds": [30, 70] }, "createdAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z" } }
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Create a new project. Only users with the role SUPERADMIN can create new projects.
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Body Parameters:
(String): The name of the project, must be uniquecity
(String): The ID of the associated cityusers
(Array): An array of user IDs associated with the projectcenterCoords
(Array): The center coordinates of the project, [longitude, latitude]initialZoom
(Number): Initial zoom level for the project mappreferences
(Object): Preference settings for the project, includingfillThresholds
- Status Codes:
- 201: Created
- 403: Forbidden (choose role SUPERADMIN)
- 409: Conflict (project already exists)
- 404: Not found (City or user does not exist)
- 500: Internal server error
- Request Body Example:
{ "name": "Project 2", "city": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b2", "users": ["60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b3", "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b4"], "centerCoords": [7.62, 51.96], "initialZoom": 8, "preferences": { "fillThresholds": [25, 75], "batteryThresholds": [20, 80] } }
- URL:
- Method: PATCH
- Description: Update an existing project. Only users associated with the project or with the role SUPERADMIN can update the project.
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Path Parameters:
(String): The ID of the project to update
- Body Parameters: (all optional)
(String): The new name of the project (must be unique)city
(String): The ID of the associated cityusers
(Array): An array of user IDs associated with the projectcenterCoords
(Array): The new center coordinates of the project, [longitude, latitude]initialZoom
(Number): Initial zoom level for the project mappreferences
(Object): New preference settings for the project, includingfillThresholds
- Status Codes:
- 200: OK
- 403: Forbidden (choose role SUPERADMIN)
- 409: Conflict (project already exists)
- 404: Not found (City or project does not exist)
- 500: Internal server error
- Request Body Example:
{ "name": "Updated Project 1", "city": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1", "users": ["60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1", "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b2"], "centerCoords": [7.63, 51.97], "initialZoom": 9, "preferences": { "fillThresholds": [20, 80], "batteryThresholds": [25, 75] } }
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Get a list of all sensors
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Status Codes:
- 200: OK
- 500: Internal server error
- Response Example:
{ "_id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1", "trashbin": { "_id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16a1", "name": "Trashbin A", "project": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16a2" }, "measure": "fill_level", "unit": "percentage", "history": [], "createdAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z" }
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Get a specific sensor by its ID
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Path Parameters:
(String): The ID of the sensor to retrieve
- Status Codes:
- 200: OK
- 404: Sensor not found (sensor is not yet created)
- 500: Internal server error
- Response Example:
{ "_id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1", "trashbin": { "_id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16a1", "name": "Trashbin A", "project": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16a2
- Response Example (continued):
{ "_id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1", "trashbin": { "_id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16a1", "name": "Trashbin A", "project": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16a2" }, "measure": "fill_level", "unit": "percentage", "history": [], "createdAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z" }
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Create a new sensor and associate it with a trashbin. Only users associated with the project that the trashbin belongs to can create sensors within that project.
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Body Parameters:
(String): The ID of the associated trashbinmeasure
(String): The type of measure, eitherfill_level
(String): "trashbin" or "noise-detector"ttnDeviceName
(String): the device's name on TTN
- Status Codes:
- 200: OK
- 400: Bad Request (trashbinID is required)
- 403: Forbidden (user has to be associated to project that sensor belongs to)
- 404: Not found (Trashbin or project does not exist)
- 500: Internal server error
- Response Example:
{ "message": "Sensor created successfully", "newSensor": { "_id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1", "trashbin": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16a1", "measure": "fill_level", "unit": "percentage", "history": [], "createdAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z" } }
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Get a list of all trashbins
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Status Codes:
- 200: OK
- 500: Internal server error
- Response Example:
{ "_id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1", "identifier": "TRB123", "coordinates": [7.6261, 51.9607], "location": "Location Name", "project": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16a2", "sensors": [], "createdAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z" }
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Get a specific trash bin by its ID
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Path Parameters:
(String): The ID of the trash bin to retrieve
- Status Codes:
- 200: OK
- 404: Trashbin not found (trashbin is not yet created)
- 500: Internal server error
- Response Example:
{ "_id": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16b1", "identifier": "TRB123", "coordinates": [7.6261, 51.9607], "location": "Location Name", "project": "60d5ec49eb172b30fc6d16a2", "sensors": [], "createdAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-10-10T14:48:00.000Z" }
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Create a new trashbin and associate it with a project. Only users with the role SUPERADMIN or ADMIN belonging to the project can create trashbins.
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Body Parameters:
(String): The ID of the associated projectlongitude
(Number): The longitude coordinate of the trashbinlatitude
(Number): The latitude coordinate of the trashbin
- Status Codes:
- 200: OK
- 400: Bad Request (trashbinID is required)
- 403: Forbidden (user has to be associated to project + choose role SUPERADMIN or ADMIN)
- 404: Not found (Trashbin or project does not exist)
- 500: Internal server error
- Response Example:
{ "message": "Trash can created successfully" }
- URL:
- Method: PATCH
- Description: Update an existing trashbin. Only users with the role SUPERADMIN or ADMIN belonging to the project can update trashbins.
- Headers:
(String) [required]: Bearer token
- Path Parameters:
(String): The ID of the trashbin to update
- Status Codes:
- 200: OK
- 403: Forbidden (choose role SUPERADMIN or ADMIN)
- 404: Not found (Trashbin or project does not exist)
- 500: Internal server error
- Response Example:
{ "message": "Trash can updated successfully" }
This concludes the API documentation section.
© 2024 The TinyAIoT Project Seminar Team at the University of Münster.
This documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license unless explicitly noted otherwise.