- Remove freeze in most of the games (Sébastien Riou)
- Users can now add their own images for Divisor game (Miles Bardon)
- Newly voiced questions for all Where Is It? games (Miles Bardon)
- Ninja Game now has sound (Miles Bardon)
Background options improved (Sébastien Riou)
- black/white background color
- enable/disable background image
GazePlay works on linux with Tobii 4C (Sébastien Riou)
Selection of customized images is easier (Sébastien Riou)
Linux version with Tobii4C drivers installation (Sébastien Riou)
Double screen now can be used (Sébastien Riou & Yann Robert)
Updated JRE added for all Operating Systems (Miles Bardon)
Windows installation now removes previous version (Miles Bardon)
- Memory Game issues with eye-tracker have been fixed (Sébastien Riou)
- GazeMediaPlayer issue with eye-tracker have been fixed (Sébastien Riou)
- Various sounds issues (Sébastien Riou & Miles Bardon)
- Many code bugs fixed in the core GazePlay module (Miles Bardon)
Consult GitHub for more information (392 commits for this release - 3376 commits for gazePlay 1.7.1 - 2984 for gazePlay 1.7.1)