No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: v3.1
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"/": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\ActivitySetsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$id = 789; // int | An Activity Set's ID
$authorization = "{{Authorization}}"; // string | Authorization
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getActivitySet($id, $authorization);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling ActivitySetsApi->getActivitySet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActivitySetsApi | getActivitySet | GET /ActivitySets/{id} | Gets a single Activity Set |
ActivitySetsApi | getActivitySets | GET /ActivitySets | Gets a list of Activity Sets |
CommentApi | addFileAttachment | POST /Comment/{id}/FileAttachments | Adds a File Attachment to a Comment |
CommentApi | deleteEntity | DELETE /Comment/{id} | Deletes a Comment |
CommentApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Comment/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets a Comment's File Attachments |
CommentApi | updateEntity | PUT /Comment | Updates a Comment |
ContactsApi | addActivitySetAssignment | POST /Contacts/{id}/ActivitySetAssignment | Adds an Activity Set to a Contact |
ContactsApi | addDate | POST /Contacts/{id}/Dates | Adds a Date |
ContactsApi | addEntity | POST /Contacts | Adds a Contact |
ContactsApi | addFileAttachment | POST /Contacts/{id}/FileAttachments | Adds a File Attachment to a Contact |
ContactsApi | addFollow | POST /Contacts/{id}/Follow | Start following a Contact |
ContactsApi | addLink | POST /v3.1/Contacts/{id}/Links | Adds a Link |
ContactsApi | addNotes | POST /Contacts/{id}/Notes | Adds a Note to a Contact |
ContactsApi | addTag | POST /Contacts/{id}/Tags | Adds a Tag |
ContactsApi | deleteDate | DELETE /Contacts/{id}/Dates/{dateId} | Deletes a Date |
ContactsApi | deleteEntity | DELETE /Contacts/{id} | Deletes a Contact |
ContactsApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Contacts/{id}/Follow | Stop following a Contact |
ContactsApi | deleteImage | DELETE /Contacts/{id}/Image | Deletes a Contact's Image |
ContactsApi | deleteLink | DELETE /Contacts/{id}/Links/{linkId} | Deletes a Link |
ContactsApi | deleteTag | DELETE /Contacts/{id}/Tags/{tagName} | Deletes a Tag |
ContactsApi | getEmails | GET /Contacts/{id}/Emails | Gets a list of a Contact's Emails |
ContactsApi | getEntities | GET /Contacts | Gets a list of Contacts |
ContactsApi | getEntitiesBySearch | GET /Contacts/Search | Gets a filtered list of Contacts |
ContactsApi | getEntitiesByTag | GET /Contacts/SearchByTag | Gets a list of Contacts filtered by tags |
ContactsApi | getEntity | GET /Contacts/{id} | Gets a Contact |
ContactsApi | getEvents | GET /Contacts/{id}/Events | Gets a Contact's Events |
ContactsApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Contacts/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets a Contact's File Attachments |
ContactsApi | getFollow | GET /Contacts/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow state for a Contact |
ContactsApi | getImage | GET /Contacts/{id}/Image | Gets a Contact's Image |
ContactsApi | getLinks | GET /v3.1/Contacts/{id}/Links | Gets a Contact's Links |
ContactsApi | getNotes | GET /Contacts/{id}/Notes | Gets a Contact's Notes |
ContactsApi | getTasks | GET /Contacts/{id}/Tasks | Gets a list of a Contact's Tasks |
ContactsApi | updateDate | PUT /Contacts/{id}/Dates | Updates a Date |
ContactsApi | updateEntity | PUT /Contacts | Updates a Contact |
ContactsApi | updateImage | PUT /Contacts/{id}/Image/{filename} | Updates a Contact's Image |
ContactsApi | updateLink | PUT /v3.1/Contacts/{id}/Links | Updates a Link |
ContactsApi | updateNotes | PUT /Contacts/{id}/Notes | Updates a note of a Contact |
CountriesApi | getCountries | GET /Countries | Gets a list of Countries used by Insightly |
CurrenciesApi | getCurrencies | GET /Currencies | Gets a list of Currencies used by Insightly |
CustomFieldsApi | getCustomFields | GET /CustomFields/{objectName} | Gets a list of Custom Fields |
CustomFieldsApi | getCustomfieldBySearch | GET /CustomFields/{objectName}/Search | Gets a Custom Field by name |
CustomObjectsApi | getCustomObjects | GET /CustomObjects | Gets a list of custom objects |
CustomObjectsApi | getCustomObjects_0 | GET /CustomObjects/{customObjectName} | Gets a custom object by object name |
CustomObjectsRecordsApi | addEntity | POST /{objectName} | Adds a record |
CustomObjectsRecordsApi | deleteEntity | DELETE /{objectName}/{id} | Deletes a Record |
CustomObjectsRecordsApi | getEntities | GET /{objectName} | Gets a list of records |
CustomObjectsRecordsApi | getEntitiesBySearch | GET /{objectName}/Search | Gets a filtered list of records |
CustomObjectsRecordsApi | getEntity | GET /{objectName}/{id} | Gets a record |
CustomObjectsRecordsApi | updateEntity | PUT /{objectName} | Updates a record |
EmailsApi | addComment | POST /Emails/{id}/Comments | Adds a Comment to an Email |
EmailsApi | addFollow | POST /Emails/{id}/Follow | Start following an Email |
EmailsApi | addLink | POST /v3.1/Emails/{id}/Links | Adds a Link |
EmailsApi | addTag | POST /Emails/{id}/Tags | Adds a Tag |
EmailsApi | deleteEntity | DELETE /Emails/{id} | Deletes an Email |
EmailsApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Emails/{id}/Follow | Stop following an Email |
EmailsApi | deleteLink | DELETE /Emails/{id}/Links/{linkId} | Deletes a Link |
EmailsApi | deleteTag | DELETE /Emails/{id}/Tags/{tagName} | Deletes a Tag |
EmailsApi | getComments | GET /Emails/{id}/Comments | Gets an Email's Comments |
EmailsApi | getEntities | GET /Emails | Gets a list of Emails |
EmailsApi | getEntitiesBySearch | GET /Emails/Search | Gets a filtered list of Emails |
EmailsApi | getEntitiesByTag | GET /Emails/SearchByTag | Gets a list of Emails filtered by tags |
EmailsApi | getEntity | GET /Emails/{id} | Gets an Email |
EmailsApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Emails/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets an Email's File Attachments |
EmailsApi | getFollow | GET /Emails/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow state for an Email |
EmailsApi | getLinks | GET /v3.1/Emails/{id}/Links | Gets an Email's Links |
EventsApi | addEntity | POST /Events | Adds an Event |
EventsApi | addLink | POST /v3.1/Events/{id}/Links | Adds a Link |
EventsApi | deleteEntity | DELETE /Events/{id} | Deletes an Event |
EventsApi | deleteLink | DELETE /Events/{id}/Links/{linkId} | Deletes a Link |
EventsApi | getEntities | GET /Events | Gets a list of Events |
EventsApi | getEntitiesBySearch | GET /Events/Search | Gets a filtered list of Events |
EventsApi | getEntity | GET /Events/{id} | Gets an Event |
EventsApi | getLinks | GET /v3.1/Events/{id}/Links | Gets an Event's Links |
EventsApi | updateEntity | PUT /Events | Updates an Event |
FileAttachmentsApi | deleteFileAttachment | DELETE /FileAttachments/{id} | Deletes a File Attachment |
FileAttachmentsApi | getFileAttachment | GET /FileAttachments/{id} | Gets a File Attachment |
FileCategoriesApi | addFileCategory | POST /FileCategories | Adds a File Category |
FileCategoriesApi | deleteFileCategory | DELETE /FileCategories/{id} | Deactivates a File Category |
FileCategoriesApi | getFileCategories | GET /FileCategories | Gets a list of File Categories |
FileCategoriesApi | getFileCategory | GET /FileCategories/{id} | Gets a File Category |
FileCategoriesApi | updateFileCategory | PUT /FileCategories | Updates a File Category |
FollowsApi | getFollows | GET /Follows | Gets a list of followed records for the user |
InstanceApi | getInstance | GET /Instance | Gets the Instance |
LeadSourcesApi | addLeadSource | POST /LeadSources | Adds a Lead Source |
LeadSourcesApi | deleteLeadSource | DELETE /LeadSources | Deletes a Lead Source |
LeadSourcesApi | getLeadSources | GET /LeadSources | Gets a list of Lead Sources |
LeadSourcesApi | updateLeadSource | PUT /LeadSources | Updates a Lead Source |
LeadStatusesApi | addLeadStatus | POST /LeadStatuses | Adds a Lead Status |
LeadStatusesApi | deleteLeadStatus | DELETE /LeadStatuses | Deletes a Lead Status |
LeadStatusesApi | getLeadStatuses | GET /LeadStatuses | Gets a list of Lead Statuses |
LeadStatusesApi | updateLeadStatus | PUT /LeadStatuses | Updates a Lead Status |
LeadsApi | addActivitySetAssignment | POST /Leads/{id}/ActivitySetAssignment | Adds an Activity Set to a Lead |
LeadsApi | addEntity | POST /Leads | Adds a Lead |
LeadsApi | addFileAttachment | POST /Leads/{id}/FileAttachments | Adds a File Attachment to a Lead |
LeadsApi | addFollow | POST /Leads/{id}/Follow | Start following a Lead |
LeadsApi | addLink | POST /v3.1/Leads/{id}/Links | Adds a Link |
LeadsApi | addNotes | POST /Leads/{id}/Notes | Adds a Note to a Lead |
LeadsApi | addTag | POST /Leads/{id}/Tags | Adds a Tag |
LeadsApi | deleteEntity | DELETE /Leads/{id} | Deletes a Lead |
LeadsApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Leads/{id}/Follow | Stop following a Lead |
LeadsApi | deleteImage | DELETE /Leads/{id}/Image | Deletes a Lead's Image |
LeadsApi | deleteLink | DELETE /Leads/{id}/Links/{linkId} | Deletes a Link |
LeadsApi | deleteTag | DELETE /Leads/{id}/Tags/{tagName} | Deletes a Tag |
LeadsApi | getEmails | GET /Leads/{id}/Emails | Gets a list of a Lead's Emails |
LeadsApi | getEntities | GET /Leads | Gets a list of Leads |
LeadsApi | getEntitiesBySearch | GET /Leads/Search | Gets a filtered list of Leads |
LeadsApi | getEntitiesByTag | GET /Leads/SearchByTag | Gets a list of Leads filtered by tags |
LeadsApi | getEntity | GET /Leads/{id} | Gets a Lead |
LeadsApi | getEvents | GET /Leads/{id}/Events | Gets a Lead's Events |
LeadsApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Leads/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets a Lead's File Attachments |
LeadsApi | getFollow | GET /Leads/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow state for a Lead |
LeadsApi | getImage | GET /Leads/{id}/Image | Gets a Lead's Image |
LeadsApi | getLinkEmailAddress | GET /Leads/{id}/LinkEmailAddress | Gets the email address to use for linking with the Lead |
LeadsApi | getLinks | GET /v3.1/Leads/{id}/Links | Gets a Lead's Links |
LeadsApi | getNotes | GET /Leads/{id}/Notes | Gets a Lead's Notes |
LeadsApi | getTasks | GET /Leads/{id}/Tasks | Gets a list of a Lead's Tasks |
LeadsApi | updateEntity | PUT /Leads | Updates a Lead |
LeadsApi | updateImage | PUT /Leads/{id}/Image/{filename} | Updates a Lead's Image |
LeadsApi | updateLink | PUT /v3.1/Leads/{id}/Links | Updates a Link |
LeadsApi | updateNotes | PUT /Leads/{id}/Notes | Updates a note of a Lead |
MilestoneApi | deleteEntity | DELETE /Milestone/{id} | Deletes a Milestone |
MilestoneApi | getEntities | GET /Milestone | Gets a list of Milestone |
MilestoneApi | getEntitiesBySearch | GET /Milestone/Search | Gets a filtered list of Milestone |
MilestoneApi | getEntity | GET /Milestone/{id} | Gets a Milestone |
NotesApi | addComment | POST /Notes/{id}/Comments | Adds a Comment to a Note |
NotesApi | addFileAttachment | POST /Notes/{id}/FileAttachments | Adds a File Attachment to a Note |
NotesApi | addFollow | POST /Notes/{id}/Follow | Start following a Note |
NotesApi | addLink | POST /v3.1/Notes/{id}/Links | Adds a Link |
NotesApi | deleteEntity | DELETE /Notes/{id} | Deletes a Note |
NotesApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Notes/{id}/Follow | Stop following a Note |
NotesApi | deleteLink | DELETE /Notes/{id}/Links/{linkId} | Deletes a Link |
NotesApi | getComments | GET /Notes/{id}/Comments | Gets a Note's Comments |
NotesApi | getEntities | GET /Notes | Gets a list of Notes |
NotesApi | getEntitiesBySearch | GET /Notes/Search | Gets a filtered list of Notes |
NotesApi | getEntity | GET /Notes/{id} | Gets a Note |
NotesApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Notes/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets a Note's File Attachments |
NotesApi | getFollow | GET /Notes/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow state for a Note |
NotesApi | getLinks | GET /v3.1/Notes/{id}/Links | Gets a Note's Links |
NotesApi | updateEntity | PUT /Notes | Updates a Note |
OpportunitiesApi | addActivitySetAssignment | POST /Opportunities/{id}/ActivitySetAssignment | Adds an Activity Set to an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | addEntity | POST /Opportunities | Adds an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | addFileAttachment | POST /Opportunities/{id}/FileAttachments | Adds a File Attachment to an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | addFollow | POST /Opportunities/{id}/Follow | Start following an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | addLink | POST /v3.1/Opportunities/{id}/Links | Adds a Link |
OpportunitiesApi | addNotes | POST /Opportunities/{id}/Notes | Adds a Note to an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | addTag | POST /Opportunities/{id}/Tags | Adds a Tag |
OpportunitiesApi | deleteEntity | DELETE /Opportunities/{id} | Deletes an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Opportunities/{id}/Follow | Stop following an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | deleteImage | DELETE /Opportunities/{id}/Image | Deletes an Opportunity's Image |
OpportunitiesApi | deleteLink | DELETE /Opportunities/{id}/Links/{linkId} | Deletes a Link |
OpportunitiesApi | deletePipeline | DELETE /Opportunities/{id}/Pipeline | Clears pipeline for the Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | deleteTag | DELETE /Opportunities/{id}/Tags/{tagName} | Deletes a Tag |
OpportunitiesApi | getEmails | GET /Opportunities/{id}/Emails | Gets a list of an Opportunity's Emails |
OpportunitiesApi | getEntities | GET /Opportunities | Gets a list of Opportunities |
OpportunitiesApi | getEntitiesBySearch | GET /Opportunities/Search | Gets a filtered list of Opportunities |
OpportunitiesApi | getEntitiesByTag | GET /Opportunities/SearchByTag | Gets a list of Opportunities filtered by tags |
OpportunitiesApi | getEntity | GET /Opportunities/{id} | Gets an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | getEvents | GET /Opportunities/{id}/Events | Gets an Opportunity's Events |
OpportunitiesApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Opportunities/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets an Opportunity's File Attachments |
OpportunitiesApi | getFollow | GET /Opportunities/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow state for an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | getImage | GET /Opportunities/{id}/Image | Gets an Opportunity's Image |
OpportunitiesApi | getLinkEmailAddress | GET /Opportunities/{id}/LinkEmailAddress | Gets the email address to use for linking with the Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | getLinks | GET /v3.1/Opportunities/{id}/Links | Gets an Opportunity's Links |
OpportunitiesApi | getNotes | GET /Opportunities/{id}/Notes | Gets an Opportunity's Notes |
OpportunitiesApi | getStateHistory | GET /Opportunities/{id}/StateHistory | Gets the history of States and Reasons for an Opportunity. |
OpportunitiesApi | getTasks | GET /Opportunities/{id}/Tasks | Gets a list of an Opportunity's Tasks |
OpportunitiesApi | updateEntity | PUT /Opportunities | Updates an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | updateImage | PUT /Opportunities/{id}/Image/{filename} | Updates an Opportunity's Image |
OpportunitiesApi | updateLink | PUT /v3.1/Opportunities/{id}/Links | Updates a Link |
OpportunitiesApi | updateNotes | PUT /Opportunities/{id}/Notes | Updates a note of an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | updateOpportunityState | PUT /Opportunities/{id}/StateChange | Updates an Opportunity State |
OpportunitiesApi | updatePipeline | PUT /Opportunities/{id}/Pipeline | Changes current pipeline for the Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | updatePipelineStage | PUT /Opportunities/{id}/PipelineStage | Changes current pipeline stage for the Opportunity |
OpportunityCategoriesApi | addOpportunityCategory | POST /OpportunityCategories | Adds an Opportunity Category |
OpportunityCategoriesApi | deleteOpportunityCategory | DELETE /OpportunityCategories/{id} | Deactivates an Opportunity Category |
OpportunityCategoriesApi | getOpportunityCategories | GET /OpportunityCategories | Gets a list of Opportunity Categories |
OpportunityCategoriesApi | getOpportunityCategory | GET /OpportunityCategories/{id} | Gets an Opportunity Category |
OpportunityCategoriesApi | updateOpportunityCategory | PUT /OpportunityCategories | Updates an Opportunity Category |
OpportunityStateReasonsApi | getOpportunityStateReasons | GET /OpportunityStateReasons | Gets a list of Opportunity State Reasons |
OrganisationsApi | addActivitySetAssignment | POST /Organisations/{id}/ActivitySetAssignment | Adds an Activity Set to an Organization |
OrganisationsApi | addDate | POST /Organisations/{id}/Dates | Adds a Date |
OrganisationsApi | addEmailDomain | POST /Organisations/{id}/EmailDomains | Adds an Email Domain |
OrganisationsApi | addEntity | POST /Organisations | Adds an Organization |
OrganisationsApi | addFileAttachment | POST /Organisations/{id}/FileAttachments | Adds a File Attachment to an Organization |
OrganisationsApi | addFollow | POST /Organisations/{id}/Follow | Start following an Organization |
OrganisationsApi | addLink | POST /v3.1/Organisations/{id}/Links | Adds a Link |
OrganisationsApi | addNotes | POST /Organisations/{id}/Notes | Adds a Note to an Organization |
OrganisationsApi | addTag | POST /Organisations/{id}/Tags | Adds a Tag |
OrganisationsApi | deleteDate | DELETE /Organisations/{id}/Dates/{dateId} | Deletes a Date |
OrganisationsApi | deleteEmailDomain | DELETE /Organisations/{id}/EmailDomains/{emailDomainId} | Deletes an Email Domain |
OrganisationsApi | deleteEntity | DELETE /Organisations/{id} | Deletes an Organization |
OrganisationsApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Organisations/{id}/Follow | Stop following an Organization |
OrganisationsApi | deleteImage | DELETE /Organisations/{id}/Image | Deletes an Organization's Image |
OrganisationsApi | deleteLink | DELETE /Organisations/{id}/Links/{linkId} | Deletes a Link |
OrganisationsApi | deleteTag | DELETE /Organisations/{id}/Tags/{tagName} | Deletes a Tag |
OrganisationsApi | getEmails | GET /Organisations/{id}/Emails | Gets a list of an Organization's Emails |
OrganisationsApi | getEntities | GET /Organisations | Gets a list of Organizations |
OrganisationsApi | getEntitiesBySearch | GET /Organisations/Search | Gets a filtered list of Organizations |
OrganisationsApi | getEntitiesByTag | GET /Organisations/SearchByTag | Gets a list of Organizations filtered by tags |
OrganisationsApi | getEntity | GET /Organisations/{id} | Gets an Organization |
OrganisationsApi | getEvents | GET /Organisations/{id}/Events | Gets an Organization's Events |
OrganisationsApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Organisations/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets an Organization's File Attachments |
OrganisationsApi | getFollow | GET /Organisations/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow state for an Organization |
OrganisationsApi | getImage | GET /Organisations/{id}/Image | Gets an Organization's Image |
OrganisationsApi | getLinks | GET /v3.1/Organisations/{id}/Links | Gets an Organization's Links |
OrganisationsApi | getNotes | GET /Organisations/{id}/Notes | Gets an Organization's Notes |
OrganisationsApi | getTasks | GET /Organisations/{id}/Tasks | Gets a list of an Organization's Tasks |
OrganisationsApi | updateDate | PUT /Organisations/{id}/Dates | Updates a Date |
OrganisationsApi | updateEmailDomain | PUT /Organisations/{id}/EmailDomains | Updates an Email Domain |
OrganisationsApi | updateEntity | PUT /Organisations | Updates an Organization |
OrganisationsApi | updateImage | PUT /Organisations/{id}/Image/{filename} | Updates an Organization's Image |
OrganisationsApi | updateLink | PUT /v3.1/Organisations/{id}/Links | Updates a Link |
OrganisationsApi | updateNotes | PUT /Organisations/{id}/Notes | Updates a note of an Organization |
PermissionsApi | getPermissions | GET /Permissions | Gets the Permissions for a User |
PipelineStagesApi | getPipelineStage | GET /PipelineStages/{id} | Gets a Pipeline Stage |
PipelineStagesApi | getPipelineStages | GET /PipelineStages | Gets a list of Pipeline Stages |
PipelinesApi | getPipeline | GET /Pipelines/{id} | Gets a Pipeline |
PipelinesApi | getPipelines | GET /Pipelines | Gets a list of Pipelines |
ProjectCategoriesApi | addProjectCategory | POST /ProjectCategories | Adds a Project Category |
ProjectCategoriesApi | deleteProjectCategory | DELETE /ProjectCategories/{id} | Deactivates a Project Category |
ProjectCategoriesApi | getProjectCategories | GET /ProjectCategories | Gets a list of Project Categories |
ProjectCategoriesApi | getProjectCategory | GET /ProjectCategories/{id} | Gets a Project Category |
ProjectCategoriesApi | updateProjectCategory | PUT /ProjectCategories | Updates a Project Category |
ProjectsApi | addActivitySetAssignment | POST /Projects/{id}/ActivitySetAssignment | Adds an Activity Set to a Project |
ProjectsApi | addEntity | POST /Projects | Adds a Project |
ProjectsApi | addFileAttachment | POST /Projects/{id}/FileAttachments | Adds a File Attachment to a Project |
ProjectsApi | addFollow | POST /Projects/{id}/Follow | Start following a Project |
ProjectsApi | addLink | POST /v3.1/Projects/{id}/Links | Adds a Link |
ProjectsApi | addMilestone | POST /v3.1/Projects/{id}/Milestones | Adds a Milestone |
ProjectsApi | addNotes | POST /Projects/{id}/Notes | Adds a Note to a Project |
ProjectsApi | addTag | POST /Projects/{id}/Tags | Adds a Tag |
ProjectsApi | deleteEntity | DELETE /Projects/{id} | Deletes a Project |
ProjectsApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Projects/{id}/Follow | Stop following a Project |
ProjectsApi | deleteImage | DELETE /Projects/{id}/Image | Deletes a Project's Image |
ProjectsApi | deleteLink | DELETE /Projects/{id}/Links/{linkId} | Deletes a Link |
ProjectsApi | deleteMilestone | DELETE /Projects/{id}/Milestones/{milestoneId} | Deletes a Milestone |
ProjectsApi | deletePipeline | DELETE /Projects/{id}/Pipeline | Clears pipeline for the Project |
ProjectsApi | deleteTag | DELETE /Projects/{id}/Tags/{tagName} | Deletes a Tag |
ProjectsApi | getEmails | GET /Projects/{id}/Emails | Gets a list of a Project's Emails |
ProjectsApi | getEntities | GET /Projects | Gets a list of Projects |
ProjectsApi | getEntitiesBySearch | GET /Projects/Search | Gets a filtered list of Projects |
ProjectsApi | getEntitiesByTag | GET /Projects/SearchByTag | Gets a list of Projects filtered by tags |
ProjectsApi | getEntity | GET /Projects/{id} | Gets a Project |
ProjectsApi | getEvents | GET /Projects/{id}/Events | Gets a Project's Events |
ProjectsApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Projects/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets a Project's File Attachments |
ProjectsApi | getFollow | GET /Projects/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow state for a Project |
ProjectsApi | getImage | GET /Projects/{id}/Image | Gets a Project's Image |
ProjectsApi | getLinkEmailAddress | GET /Projects/{id}/LinkEmailAddress | Gets the email address to use for linking with the Project |
ProjectsApi | getLinks | GET /v3.1/Projects/{id}/Links | Gets a Project's Links |
ProjectsApi | getMilestones | GET /v3.1/Projects/{id}/Milestones | Gets a list of a Project's Milestones |
ProjectsApi | getNotes | GET /Projects/{id}/Notes | Gets a Project's Notes |
ProjectsApi | getTasks | GET /Projects/{id}/Tasks | Gets a list of a Project's Tasks |
ProjectsApi | updateEntity | PUT /Projects | Updates a Project |
ProjectsApi | updateImage | PUT /Projects/{id}/Image/{filename} | Updates a Project's Image |
ProjectsApi | updateLink | PUT /v3.1/Projects/{id}/Links | Updates a Link |
ProjectsApi | updateMilestone | PUT /v3.1/Projects/{id}/Milestones | Updates a Milestone |
ProjectsApi | updateNotes | PUT /Projects/{id}/Notes | Updates a note of a Project |
ProjectsApi | updatePipeline | PUT /Projects/{id}/Pipeline | Changes current pipeline for the Project |
ProjectsApi | updatePipelineStage | PUT /Projects/{id}/PipelineStage | Changes current pipeline stage for the Project |
RelationshipsApi | getRelationships | GET /Relationships | Gets a list of Relationships |
TagsApi | getTags | GET /Tags | Gets a list of Tags used for a record type |
TaskCategoriesApi | addTaskCategory | POST /TaskCategories | Adds a Task Category |
TaskCategoriesApi | deleteTaskCategory | DELETE /TaskCategories/{id} | Deactivates a Task Category |
TaskCategoriesApi | getTaskCategories | GET /TaskCategories | Gets a list of Task Categories |
TaskCategoriesApi | getTaskCategory | GET /TaskCategories/{id} | Gets a Task Category |
TaskCategoriesApi | updateTaskCategory | PUT /TaskCategories | Updates a Task Category |
TasksApi | addComment | POST /Tasks/{id}/Comments | Adds a Comment to a Task |
TasksApi | addEntity | POST /Tasks | Adds a Task |
TasksApi | addFollow | POST /Tasks/{id}/Follow | Start following a Task |
TasksApi | addLink | POST /v3.1/Tasks/{id}/Links | Adds a Link |
TasksApi | deleteEntity | DELETE /Tasks/{id} | Deletes a Task |
TasksApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Tasks/{id}/Follow | Stop following a Task |
TasksApi | deleteLink | DELETE /Tasks/{id}/Links/{linkId} | Deletes a Link |
TasksApi | getComments | GET /Tasks/{id}/Comments | Gets a Task's Comments |
TasksApi | getEntities | GET /Tasks | Gets a list of Tasks |
TasksApi | getEntitiesBySearch | GET /Tasks/Search | Gets a filtered list of Tasks |
TasksApi | getEntity | GET /Tasks/{id} | Gets a Task |
TasksApi | getFollow | GET /Tasks/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow state for a Task |
TasksApi | getLinks | GET /v3.1/Tasks/{id}/Links | Gets a Task's Links |
TasksApi | updateEntity | PUT /Tasks | Updates a Task |
TeamMembersApi | addTeamMember | POST /TeamMembers | Adds a new Team Member |
TeamMembersApi | deleteTeamMember | DELETE /TeamMembers/{id} | Deletes a Team Member |
TeamMembersApi | getTeamMember | GET /TeamMembers/{id} | Gets a Team Member |
TeamMembersApi | getTeamMembers | GET /TeamMembers | Gets a list of Team Members |
TeamsApi | addTeam | POST /Teams | Adds a Team |
TeamsApi | addTeamMember | POST /Teams/{id}/TeamMembers | Adds a Team Member |
TeamsApi | deleteTeam | DELETE /Teams/{id} | Deletes a Team |
TeamsApi | deleteTeamMember | DELETE /Teams/{id}/TeamMembers/{permissionId} | Deletes a Team Member |
TeamsApi | getTeam | GET /Teams/{id} | Gets a Team |
TeamsApi | getTeams | GET /Teams | Gets a list of Teams. |
TeamsApi | updateTeam | PUT /Teams | Updates a Team |
UsersApi | getUser | GET /Users/{id} | Gets a User |
UsersApi | getUserMe | GET /Users/Me | Gets the User object for the calling user. |
UsersApi | getUsers | GET /Users | Gets a list of Users |
UsersApi | getUsersBySearch | GET /Users/Search | Gets a filtered list of Users |
- APIActivity
- APIActivityAssignment
- APIActivitySet
- APIActivitySetAssignment
- APICategory
- APIComment
- APICountry
- APICurrency
- APICustomField
- APICustomFieldDependency
- APICustomFieldMetadata
- APICustomFieldOption
- APICustomFieldOptionsFilter
- APICustomObject
- APIDate
- APIEmail
- APIEmailDomain
- APIEvent
- APIFile
- APIFileAttachment
- APIFollow
- APIInstance
- APILeadSource
- APILeadStatus
- APILinkBase
- APILinkDto
- APILinkEmailAddress
- APIMilestone
- APINote
- APIObjectPermissions
- APIOpportunityState
- APIOpportunityStateReason
- APIPermissions
- APIPipeline
- APIPipelineChange
- APIPipelineStage
- APIPipelineStageChange
- APIRelationship
- APITag
- APITask
- APITeam
- APITeamMember
- APIUser
- APIUserFollow
- ActivitySet
- Category
- Comment
- Comment1
- Contact
- Contact1
- Contact2
- CustomFieldMetadata
- CustomObject
- CustomObjectsRecords
- CustomObjectsRecords1
- CustomObjectsRecords2
- Event
- Event1
- Event2
- Lead
- Lead1
- Lead2
- LeadSource
- LeadStatus
- Milestone
- Note
- Note1
- Opportunity
- Opportunity1
- Opportunity2
- OpportunityStateReason
- Organisation
- Organisation1
- Organisation2
- Pipeline
- PipelineStage
- Project
- Project1
- Project2
- Relationship
- Tag
- Task
- Task1
- Task2
- Team
- TeamMember
- User
- UserFollow
All endpoints do not require authorization.