A curated list of awesome dhall-lang binding, libraries and anything related to dhall-lang!
- dhall-haskell - Haskell language support.
- dhallj - Java language support.
- dhall-clj - Clojure language support.
- dhall-golang - Go language support.
- dhall-purescript - PureScript language support.
- dhall-rust - Rust language support.
- dhall-ruby - Ruby language support.
- dhall-python - Python language support.
- dhall-unison - Unison language support.
- dhall-prelude - Standard Libraries for dhall.
- dhall-kubernetes - Typecheck, template and modularize your Kubernetes definitions with Dhall.
- dhall-kong - Dhall types definition for Kong declarative configuration file.
- dhall-terraform - Tooling to manage complexity and increase discoverability in Terraform by writing in Dhall.
- dhall-nethack - Generate NetHack configurations using Dhall.
- dada - Recursion schemes.
- dhall-bhat - Abstractions.
- vmchale/github-actions-dhall - Dhall helpers for GitHub actions.
- regadas/github-actions-dhall - Typecheck, template and modularize your GitHub Action definitions with Dhall.
- bgamari/dhall-gitlab-ci - Dhall types for GitLab CI/CD.
- dhall-kops - Dhall types for Kops.
- dhall-prometheus-operator - Dhall types for the Prometheus Operator.
- dhall-genode - Genode OS configuration types and functions.
- dhall-openssl - Generate a type-safe openssl configuration file with dhall.
- nats.dhall - Dhall types to setup NATS.io on Kubernetes.
- dhall-ansible - Dhall types for Ansible.
- dhall-concourse - Dhall types for Concourse.
- dhall-dot - Dhall types and renderer for the DOT Graph description language.
- dhall-openstacksdk - Dhall types for OpenStack clouds.yaml.
- dhall-nomad - Dhall types for HashiCorp's Nomad job scheduler
- dhall-aws-cloudformation - Dhall types for AWS CloudFormation
- dhall-tsconfig - Dhall bindings for TSConfig.
- dhall-webmanifest - Types for building Web Application Manifest files.
- dhall-css-color - CSS4 colors.
- dhall-semver - Dhall support for semantic version numbers.
- dhall-security-txt - Generate standard-compliant security.txt files using Dhall.
- dhall-grafana - Build Grafana dashboards with Dhall.
- dhall-docker-compose - A library for writing Docker Compose files in Dhall.
- dhall-containerfile - Dhall types for Containerfile.
- cpkg - A build tool/package manager for C, configured with Dhall.
- updo - From Dhall configuration, generate Stack and Cabal projects with Dhall text templating.
- dhall-mock - A HTTP mock server based on Dhall configuration.
- dhall-vim - Syntax highlighting in Vim for Dhall.
- vscode-language-dhall - Dhall Syntax Highlighting for VS Code.
- atom-language-dhall - Dhall language support in Atom.
- dhall-mode - Dhall language support in Emacs.
Anyone who finds something interesting about dhall-lang is welcome to submit a pull request to add it to our list! Please conduct the CONTRIBUTING.md before submitting the pull request.