Official implementation of Video Seal: training and inference code for video watermarking, and state-of-the-art open-sourced models.
This repository includes pre-trained models, training code, inference code, and evaluation tools, all released under the MIT license, as well as baselines of state-of-the-art image watermarking models adapted for video watermarking (including MBRS, CIN, TrustMark, and WAM) allowing for free use, modification, and distribution of the code and models.
Original | Video Seal output | The watermark (normalized for visibility) |
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import torchvision
import videoseal
from videoseal.evals.metrics import bit_accuracy
# Load video and normalize to [0, 1]
video_path = "assets/videos/1.mp4"
video =, output_format="TCHW")
video = video.float() / 255.0
# Load the model
model = videoseal.load("videoseal")
# Video Watermarking
outputs = model.embed(video, is_video=True) # this will embed a random msg
video_w = outputs["imgs_w"] # the watermarked video
msgs = outputs["msgs"] # the embedded message
# Extract the watermark message
msg_extracted = model.extract_message(video_w, aggregation="avg", is_video=True)
# VideoSeal can do Image Watermarking
img = video[0:1] # 1 x C x H x W
outputs = model.embed(img, is_video=False)
img_w = outputs["imgs_w"] # the watermarked image
msg_extracted = model.extract_message(imgs_w, aggregation="avg", is_video=False)
Version of Python is 3.10 (pytorch 2.5.1, torchvision 0.20.1, torchaudio 2.5.1, cuda 12.1). Install pytorch:
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
pip install -e .
For training, we also recommend using decord:
pip install decord
Note that there are some issues with installing decord: dmlc/decord#213 Everything should be working without decord for inference, but there may be issues for training in this case.
The video model is automatically downloaded through Hugging Face by doing videoseal.load("videoseal")
If you wish to download the model manually, you can do so by running the following command:
(or click here). You then have to update the checkpoint path in the model card file.
We do not own any third-party models, so you have to download them manually. We provide a guide on how to download the models at docs/
We provide a guide on how to check and install VMAF at docs/
To watermark both audio and video from a video file. It loads the full video in memory, so it is not suitable for long videos.
python --input assets/videos/1.mp4 --output_dir outputs/
python --detect --input outputs/1.mp4
To watermark a video file in streaming. It loads the video clips by clips, so it is suitable for long videos, even on laptops.
python --input assets/videos/1.mp4 --output_dir outputs/
Will output the watermarked video in outputs/1.mp4
and the binary message in outputs/1.txt
To run full evaluation of models and baselines.
Example to evaluate a trained model:
python -m videoseal.evals.full \
--checkpoint /path/to/videoseal/checkpoint.pth \
or, to run a given baseline:
python -m videoseal.evals.full \
--checkpoint baseline/wam \
Example run of a simple run on a node of 8 GPUs:
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 --local_rank 0 --debug_slurm \
--balanced True --total_gnorm 1.0 --lambda_dec 1.0 --lambda_det 0.0 --lambda_d 0.1 --lambda_i 0.5 \
--scaling_w 1.0 --scaling_i 1.0 --nbits 96 --perceptual_loss mse --seed 444 \
--scheduler CosineLRScheduler,lr_min=1e-6,t_initial=1000,warmup_lr_init=1e-8,warmup_t=50 --optimizer AdamW,lr=1e-5 \
--epochs 1000 --eval_freq 5 --full_eval_freq 5 --batch_size_video_eval 1 --batch_size_video 1 --batch_size_eval 32 --batch_size 16 --iter_per_valid 10 \
--videoseal_step_size 16 --video_start 800 --prop_img_vid 0.5 --iter_per_epoch 1500 \
--extractor_model sam_small --embedder_model unet_small2 --augmentation_config configs/augs.yaml \
The model is licensed under an MIT license.
See contributing and the code of conduct.
If you find this repository useful, please consider giving a star ⭐ and please cite as:
title={Video Seal: Open and Efficient Video Watermarking},
author={Fernandez, Pierre and Elsahar, Hady and Yalniz, I. Zeki and Mourachko, Alexandre},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.09492},