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GitHub Action to build Sphinx documentation and push build artifacts to a designated branch


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GitHub action to automatically build and publish Sphinx documentation. Default configuration runs sphinx-build and pushes the resulting build artifacts to the gh-pages branch along with a .nojekyll file. The action can also be used to run an arbitrary tool on the contents of one branch and then push the results to another branch if desired, but it is intended for Sphinx deployments and other similar workflows. Additional actions based on the console output of the build process (or any other command run) can be performed using the expect program.

Note that this action only pushes the build artifacts to the gh-pages (or any other) branch and does not trigger a GitHub Pages build. Ensure that GitHub Pages is enabled for your repository and that the desired branch is configured as the publishing source. This ensures that a push to the specified repository triggers a pages build.

This is a composite action and hence must be run on a Linux-based runner like ubuntu-latest or similar.

Developed and maintained by Research Technology (RT), Tufts Technology Services (TTS), Tufts University.


  • source-branch

    • Branch to build documentation from. Defaults to the triggering branch.
    • Default: ${{ github.ref_name }}
  • source-directory

    • Directory on source branch containing documentation source files. Defaults to repository root.
    • Default: ""
  • destination-branch

    • Branch to push built documentation to. Defaults to gh-pages branch.
    • Default: gh-pages
  • destination-directory

    • Directory on destination branch to push the built documentation to. Defaults to repository root.
    • Default: ""
  • clear-destination

    • Whether to delete all files from the destination branch before building. Must be set to "true" for deletion to occur. Other values ignored.
    • Default: "false"
  • keep-items

    • Newline-delimited list of glob patterns to keep when destination branch set to be cleared. Ignored if destination branch not set to be cleared.
    • Default: CNAME
  • remove-items

    • Newline-delimited list of glob patterns to delete from the destination branch before building. Ignored if destination branch set to be cleared.
    • Default: ""
  • environment-file

    • Conda environment YML file on source branch to install dependencies from. Must contain Sphinx and any other build dependencies. Defaults to environment.yml in repository root.
    • Default: environment.yml
  • build-command

    • Command to build the documentation. Uses sphinx-build if omitted.
    • Default: sphinx-build
  • build-arguments

    • Additional optional arguments to pass to the build command.
    • Default: ""
  • add-nojekyll

    • Whether to add a .nojekyll file to the root of the destination branch. Must be set to "true" for the file to be added. Other values ignored.
    • Default: "true"
  • commit-message

    • Message to use when committing built documentation to destination branch. Defaults to the SHA of the triggering commit.
    • Default: ${{ github.sha }}
  • use-bot

    • Whether to use the github-actions[bot] account to commit and push changes. Must be set to "true" for the bot to be used. Other values ignored. (Author of the last commit on the source branch used by default.)
    • Default: "false"
  • dry-run

    • Whether to run the action without pushing to the destination branch. Must be set to "true" for dry run to occur. Other values ignored. Can be used as a pull request status check confirming a successful build. (Destination branch will need to be cleared to ensure a clean build.)
    • Default: "false"
  • use-expect

    • Whether to use expect to perform actions based on build console output. Must be set to "true" for expect to be used. Other values ignored.
    • Default: "false"
  • expect-timeout

    • Number of seconds expect will wait for the build to complete. Must be an integer. Defaults to -1, which disables the timeout. Exceeding the time limit causes the build to quit and exit with success. Use expect-pattern-action to configure an alternate timeout behavior.

    • Default: -1

  • expect-pattern-action

    • Pattern-action pairs passed to expect when monitoring console output. See man expect and action README for examples and syntax details. Any timeout action must be specified here using the timeout pattern. Variable $EXPECT_TIMEOUT (value of expect-timeout) available for use.
    • Default: ""

Usage Examples

Basic Sphinx Build

name: build-main
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: tuftsrt/sphinx-to-branch@v1
          source-directory: source

Note that source-branch and destination-branch do not need to be specified. The default behavior is to use the triggering branch (in this case main) as the source and gh-pages as the destination.

Development Build

name: build-develop
      - develop
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: tuftsrt/sphinx-to-branch@v1
          source-directory: source
          destination-directory: dev
          use-bot: "true"

This places the outputs in a designated directory (dev) on the destination branch and uses github-actions[bot] as the committer instead of the author of the last commit on the source branch.

Pull Request Check for Successful Build

name: test-build
      - opened
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: tuftsrt/sphinx-to-branch@v1
          source-directory: source
          clear-destination: "true"
          build-arguments: "--nitpicky --fail-on-warning"
          dry-run: "true"

Note how the destination directory is cleared to ensure a clean build and the command is run with extra arguments to ensure that even minor issues invoke failure. The resulting build artifacts are not pushed to any branch because the dry-run flag is set.

Monitoring Console Output

name: strict-build
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: tuftsrt/sphinx-to-branch@v1
          source-directory: source
          use-expect: "true"
          expect-timeout: 300
          expect-pattern-action: |
            "trying URL" {
              puts stderr "EXPECT: intercepted R package installation attempt"
              exit 1
            timeout {
              puts stderr "EXPECT: build timed out after $EXPECT_TIMEOUT seconds"
              exit 1

Here expect is used to fail the build and output an appropriate error message when either a timeout of 300 seconds (5 minutes) is exceeded or the phrase "trying URL" is outputted to the console, indicating a possible attempt at an R package installation during the build process. (This can be used to ensure all required R packages are listed in environment.yml and hence preinstalled into the build environment.)

Advanced Usage

The sphinx-build command can be replaced with any other command with a similar signature. The specified command is executed in the build environment as follows.


When using expect, the following build script is used instead.

set timeout $EXPECT_TIMEOUT
expect {
exit [lindex [wait] 3]

The build script is generated via Bash with all $ variables replaced with their corresponding action inputs. The result is a Tcl script that is executed via expect to run the build. For more information on expect and possible pattern-action pairs, see man expect and the book Exploring Expect (ISBN: 978-1565920903) by Don Libes.


GitHub Action to build Sphinx documentation and push build artifacts to a designated branch







No packages published
