This is the IASC CMS src repository and build tools.
You should install the IASC CMS Environment as part of the process of working with this repository. The order of operations is: 1.Clone this repo and follow the step up instructions below. 2.On the same directory level, clone the IASC CMS Environment repo and follow the setup instructions in that So if you cloned this repo to ~/Sites/iasc_cms, then iasc_env would be found at ~/Sites/iasc_env.
The IASC CMS build tools are run by Grunt. In order to build, make sure the following packages are installed:
- NodeJS
- OS X developers are recommended to use Brew to install Node (
brew install node
). - Windows developers should download an appropriate binary from
- Linux (Debian-based):
apt-get install nodejs
andln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
- OS X developers are recommended to use Brew to install Node (
- npm (Should come with NodeJS; confirm that it is installed).
- Not included in Debian-based Linux, so
apt-get install npm
- Not included in Debian-based Linux, so
- Grunt
- Windows users should also read this note.
- Note: This should be installed by puppet. You will see a complaint that grunt-cli wasn't installed globally. This is fine.
- Composer
- OS X developers are recommended to use Homebrew to install Composer with the following command (all one line):
brew update && brew tap josegonzalez/homebrew-php && brew tap homebrew/versions && brew install php55 && brew install homebrew/php/composer
- Windows developers should download the installer; see this page for more details.
- Note: This gets installed when you first run
vagrant up
- OS X developers are recommended to use Homebrew to install Composer with the following command (all one line):
Currently to build your site, you should run grunt
from the base directory of this repository (cd /opt/development/iasc_cms/). This will perform the necessary cleaning and preparation tasks and then invoke drush make to build our Drupal install.
You must do this from within the Vagrant-based development VM.
To open a shell on your VM, type vagrant ssh
from the iasc_env clone folder.
Everything you will be modifying is in the src
directory. Files/directories are as follows:
: The parent make file. Any additional contributed modules that need to be included are put here. Note that IASC CMS uses the Open Atrium project as its basis, which includes many commonly used contributed modules.modules
: This is where developers will add custom modules, both Features and "normal" modules. This gets copied to sites/all/modules/custom in the build.profiles
: Profiles directory.profiles/iasc
is our profile for the site. Any modules that you need added to the platform should go into the .info file. Don't forget! :)sites
: Drupal's sites directory. Maps tosites
in Drupal. Note thatsites/all
is not contained here; this is normal.sites/default
: Containssettings.php
: Themes directory. Maps tosites/all/themes/custom
. Our theme code will go in here.
You should not have to do this because when you vagrant up npm install and grunt is called in the install script ( in iasc_env):
If you are just building for the first time:
First you will need to run npm install
, npm update
, touch /opt/development/iasc_cms/src/iasc.make
, and grunt
- this is all part of, which should run immediately when you first vagrant up
so you shouldn't need to do this manually.
Then you can follow the instructions on the IASC Environment Repo.
- Work on files within the
directory on your local machine, as described in the repository structure. - Once you have run
vagrant up --provision
the very first time, you should not have tovagrant destroy
often (if at all). - To shut down the VM before powering down your local host, use
vagrant halt
, and then restart the next day withvagrant up [--provision]
. Here are some handy shortcuts:alias iascup='cd /path/to/iasc_env; vagrant up
alias iascdown=cd /path/to/iasc_env; vagrant halt
alias iascssh=cd /path/to/iasc_env; vagrant ssh
- Changes to files within
, andthemes
will sync from your local machine to the VM and to the correct location within the build directory. You do not need to run the build in this case. - Your code should always install cleanly with a fresh site install. Please make sure any custom Features or modules that you add to the repo are added to
so that they are enabled with a clean install. - If you update components of a Feature module, you can export the update to code with
cd /opt/development/iasc_cms/build/html/sites/default && drush fu <your Feature> -y
. You can then sync code back to your local host machine by runningvagrant rsync-back
from the root of theiasc_env
repo. - On your local if you run
drush use @iasc
local drush commands will run on your VM. (Rundrush site-reset
to "un-use".)
- We use Grunt to rebuild (no need to rebuild the VM). Do this when the makefile has added (or removed) modules, or for whatever other reason you like.
- On your local, run
cd /path/to/iasc_env && ./vm-grunt
. - NOTE: If you want to force running the makefile and haven't made any changes to it, you may need to update its timestamp:
- On your VM run:
touch /opt/development/iasc_cms/src/iasc.make
- On your VM run:
- On your local, run
- Do this whenever you want to start over with a fresh Drupal install. (Again, no need to do anything with Vagrant.)
- On your VM, run
cd /opt/development/iasc_cms/build/html && drush si --account-pass=admin iasc -y
- On your VM, run
- Once Drupal is installed, you can install the default content by running
drush mi --all
. This will create content in the system which can be used for testing.
We are following Gitflow as our branching strategy. Our primary branches are master
and develop
. Working branches should be named as follows:
is the JIRA ticket indicating the work in the feature. If there is no JIRA ticket, please use a short readable explanation of the work in the branch. -
for hotfixes/bug fixes. Same conventions apply.Here is a cheatsheet, it has instructions on how to install it and a cheatsheet for the commands.
Feel free to use the git-flow git extension if it is useful to you. It is not required. If you do, run git flow init
in your clone of the repo and accept all defaults.
- Make sure your local repo has both
branches checked out to easily accept defaults.
- I want to start on a new ticket IASC-123
- I pull down the latest development branch into development on my clone.
git flow feature start IASC-123
- Do great work!
- I stage my files using git add (
git add -A .
will add all files) git commit -m "IASC-123 some description for what I did"
- When you are ready to push your feature up to the main repository,
git flow feature publish IASC-123
- Go to and make a pull request into the development branch from feature/IASC-123
- You can assign a code reviewer if you like. If you're not assigning it to anyone, be sure to make add a message in our flowdock room to alert developers. Something like:
Hey guys, I submitted a PR for IASC-123
Please note that developers in general will not be able to push directly to develop
- Mai Irie