This repository includes links to forked repositories which hold a list of different developer roadmaps and resources.
- View roadmaps about developer roles to help you learn
- A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
- DevOps resources
- docker resources
- devops-exercises
- Site Reliability Engineer Interview Preparation Guide
- Security tester's companion
- Resources for bug bounty hunters
- How to systematically secure anything: a repository about security engineering
- Web Security Basics
- List of useful payloads & bypass for web app security
- π An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems
- Machine learning List of all the lessons learned, best practices...
- Incredible Pytorch
- Read Research Papers (website) & you can also follow manjunath5496 (for research papers sources).
- Master the command line
- How tech-savvy organizations around the world practice Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)
- Patterns of Scalable & Reliable Large-Scale Systems
- Quantum Machine Learning
- Software and architecture related design patterns
- A-Z Resources
- Applied ML
- Influential CS Books
- Dive into Web3
- Awesome MLOps
- DevSecOps Library
- System Design Resources
- Interview Guide