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Uniswap Wallet

Uniswap Wallet is the simplest, safest, and most powerful self-custodial crypto wallet. It is developed by the Uniswap Labs team, inventors of the Uniswap Protocol.

If you have suggestions on how we can improve the app, or would like to report a bug or a problem, check out the Uniswap Help Center.

Table of contents


This guide assumes that:

  • You are using a Mac (you will need a Mac computer in order to run the Xcode iOS Simulator)
  • You are using an Apple Silicon Mac (if you’re not sure, go to  → About this Mac and check if the chip name starts with "Apple")

Note: If you are indeed using an Apple Silicon Mac, we recommend setting up your environment without using Rosetta. Some instructions on how to do that can be found here.

Packages and Software

  1. Install homebrew. We’ll be using Homebrew to install many of the other required tools through the command line. Open a terminal and Copy and paste the command from into your terminal and run it

  2. Install nvm Node Version Manager While not required, it makes it easy to install Node and switch between different versions. A minimum Node version of 18 (verify version in .nvmrc) is required to use this repository.

    • Copy the curl command listed under Install & Update Script on this page and run it in your terminal.
    • To make sure nvm installed correctly, try running nvm -v (you may need to re-source your shell with source {base config}). It should return a version number. If it returns something like zsh: command not found: nvm, it hasn’t been installed correctly.
  3. Install node

    Run the following command in your terminal:

    nvm install 18
    nvm use 18

    Quit and re-open the terminal, and then run to confirm that v18 is running

    > node -v

    Alternatively, to automatically try to find and use an .nvmrc file in your workspace, per the official nvm docs for zsh, add the following script to your shell (typically ~/.zshrc on mac):

    # place this after nvm initialization!
    autoload -U add-zsh-hook
    load-nvmrc() {
      local nvmrc_path
      if [ -n "$nvmrc_path" ]; then
        local nvmrc_node_version
        nvmrc_node_version=$(nvm version "$(cat "${nvmrc_path}")")
        if [ "$nvmrc_node_version" = "N/A" ]; then
          nvm install
        elif [ "$nvmrc_node_version" != "$(nvm version)" ]; then
          nvm use
          # Optionally, add `>/dev/null 2>&1` after `nvm use` to suppress output
      elif [ -n "$(PWD=$OLDPWD nvm_find_nvmrc)" ] && [ "$(nvm version)" != "$(nvm version default)" ]; then
        echo "Reverting to nvm default version"
        nvm use default
    add-zsh-hook chpwd load-nvmrc
  4. Install yarn. We use yarn as our package manager and to run scripts.

    Run the following command to install it (npm comes with node, so it should work if the above step has been completed correctly)

    npm install --global yarn

    Check version to verify installation

    > yarn -v
  5. Install ruby

    Use rbenv to install a specific version of ruby:

    brew install rbenv ruby-build

    Run init and follow the instructions to complete the installation.

    rbenv init

    After following the instructions, make sure you source your .zshrc or .bash_profile, or start a new terminal session.

    Install a version of ruby and set as the default.

    rbenv install 3.2.2
    rbenv global 3.2.2
  6. Install cocoapods and fastlane using bundler (make sure to run in mobile)

    bundle install

    Note: In the case you run into permission issues when installing ruby, you may need to add some permissions to make it work.

iOS Setup


You should start with downloading Xcode if you don't already have it installed, since the file is so large. You can find it here:

You must use the Required Xcode Version to compile the app. Older versions of xCode can be found here.

Add Xcode Command Line Tools

Open Xcode and go to:

Preferences → Locations → Command Line Tools

Select the version that pops up.

Android Setup

  1. Install Android Studio

  2. Install the JDK. Taken from RN instructions

    brew install --cask zulu@17
    # Get path to where cask was installed to double-click installer
    brew info --cask zulu@17

    Add the following to your .rc file export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu-17.jdk/Contents/Home

    Also verify that in Android Studio it is using the correct JDK.

  3. Add the following to your .rc file

    export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
    export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator
    export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
  4. Install an emulator. Android Studio should have an emulator already, but if not: Open the project at universe/apps/mobile/android Tools -> Device Manager to create a new emulator

Deploying to Physical Android Device

  1. Enable developer mode on Android

    • Open Settings
    • Tap About phone or About device
    • Tap Software information
    • Tap Build number seven times in a row
    • A message will appear when you're close to enabling Developer mode
    • Enable USB Debugging: Go to Developer Options in settings and enable USB Debugging
  2. Connect device and Allow communication

    • Pop up message must appear and enable transfer.
    • Run the following command to verify your device has been detected: adb devices
  3. In your terminal run

    adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
    yarn mobile android

If it fails, quit the terminal and run it directly from Android Studio. Once you get the first build running, retry the previous step.


Once all the setup steps above are completed, you're ready to try running the app locally!

Environment variables

Note: The app will likely have limited functionality when running it locally with the default environment variables.

Use the environment variables defined in the .env.defaults.local file to run the app locally.

You can use the command yarn mobile env:local:download if you have the 1password CLI to copy that file to your root folder.

Compile contract ABI types

This is done in bootstrap but good to know about. Before the code will compile you need to generate types for the smart contracts the wallet interacts with. Run yarn g:prepare at the top level. Re-run this if the ABIs are ever changed.

Run the app

In the root directory, run yarn to install all the necessary npm packages.

Then run yarn mobile pod to install all the necessary pods. (You may need to updated source repos with pod repo update if this fails.)

Finally, run yarn mobile ios to boot up the iOS Simulator and run the app inside it. The JS bundler (metro) should automatically open in a new terminal window. If it does not, start it manually with yarn start.

Or you can use one command to run them all one after the other: yarn && yarn pod && yarn ios

You can also run the app from Xcode, which is necessary for any Swift related changes. Xcode will automatically start the metro bundler.

Hopefully you now (after a few minutes) see the Uniswap Wallet running in the iOS Simulator!

Using Radon IDE (VSCode/Cursor Extension)

Radon IDE is a relatively new VSCode extension build by Software Mansion. TLDR; its tagline is

A better developer experience for React Native developers

It's not perfect, but it's great to have in the toolbox. One noteworthy feature is the ability to click on any piece of UI and be able to inspect the component hierarchy + jump straight into the relevant code. There's also support for breakpoints in VSCode/Cursor, better logging, instant replay of your session, and the ability to adjust common device settings on the fly.

To get started, you should already be able to build the iOS app (either in XCode or via the cli). Install the extension, open it, and follow the onboarding instructions.

One you have a device configured, it will start to build. If/when successful, you'll see the device simulator/emulator in the sidebar.

In .vscode/launch.json, you will see configurations for each platform. This is where you can specify the fingerprint command. The fingerprint is a hash of the build environment, and Radon uses it to determine if the build has changed so that it knows when to re-run the build process (i.e. only on native code changes). See getFingerprintForRadonIDE.js for more details. There are more complex implementations of this, but this is a simple first step.

Running on a Physical iOS Device

  1. Follow all steps listed above.
  2. Sign into your Apple ID (Cmd + , -> Accounts tab) + download provisioning profiles
  3. Connect your iOS device + follow the on-screen prompts to trust your computer
  4. Select the Uniswap target + your connect device, then Cmd + R or use the ▶️ button the start the build
  5. You may get an error about your device not yet being added to the Uniswap Apple Developer account; if so, click Register and restart the build

Important Libraries and Tools

These are some tools you might want to familiarize yourself with to understand the codebase better and how different aspects of it work.


We use redux-persist to persist the Redux state between user sessions. Most of this state is shared between the mobile app and the extension. Please review the Wallet Migrations README for details on how to write migrations when you add or remove anything from the Redux state structure.

Testing & Performance


Common issues

  • zsh: command not found: [package name] This means whichever package you're trying to run ([package name]) wasn’t correctly installed, or your Terminal can’t figure out how to run it. If you just installed it, try quitting terminal and re-opening it. Otherwise try reinstalling the package.

  • Failed to load 'glog' podspec: Resolve this issue by checking the path of Xcode, make sure is inside Applications and with the name Xcode Once confirm run the following commands:

sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/ pod install

  • unable to open file (in target "OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension" in project "Uniswap"). Resolve this issue by navigating to the ios/ directory and running pod update.

  • Build target hermes-engine: Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code Node isn't being located correctly during the build phase. Run which node and copy the resulting path into .xcode.env.local. More context here.

  • CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "hermes-engine" The following commands can help you fix these types of errors:

cd ios && pod install --repo-update cd ios && pod repo update cd ios && pod update hermes-engine --no-repo-update


Common fixes

If something isn’t working the way it should or you’re getting a weird error when trying to run the app, try the following:

  1. Quit the terminal
  2. Quit Metro terminal
  3. Open Finder and navigate to the mobile directory
  4. Delete the node_modules folder
  5. Navigate into the ios folder
  6. Delete the Pods folder
  7. Open XCode
  8. Go to Product → Clean Build Folder
  9. Open your terminal again
  10. Navigate to the mobile directory in the terminal
  11. Run yarn && yarn pod again
  12. Run yarn ios

Shell profile setup

Your shell profile file is most likely one of: .bash_profile, .zshrc, or .zprofile, and will be located in /Users/[username]/. You can reveal hidden files in Finder by pressing + Shift + ..

If issues with your terminal or shell seem to be the cause of some of your problems, here is an example of what that file may look like in order for your terminal to be able to run the app locally:

eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/" ] && \. "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm" ] && \. "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm"  # This loads nvm bash_completion