I'm passionate about building efficient web applications with a focus on SEO, HTML Canvas, and frontend technologies. I specialize in the JAM stack and creating fast, scalable web apps. I also love exploring new ways to improve developer experience and performance.
🔭 Current Project: I’m working on Canvascript, a tool designed to simplify working with the HTML canvas.
👨💻 Projects: All my projects are available at https://github.com/VBproDev
📫 How to reach me: proshowspeed@gmail.com
🌐 Blog: Check out my blog on frontend and JAM stack topics at astro-sucks.netlify.app
⚡ Fun fact: I like to play badminton and read George Orwell
I'm a self-taught web developer who specializes in the JAM stack and building scalable web applications. I focus on performance, SEO, and creating a smooth developer experience. I'm always open to collaborating on exciting projects and improving my skills.