Open Source Arras is beta software. This build is not representative of the final product. Expect bugs and missing features.
In order to run your server via localhost, you will need to install these first:
Once Node.js
and ws
are installed, open either run.bat
(if you're on Windows) or
(if you're not). If there aren't any errors, your server will start up. Go to localhost:26301
in your favourite web browser (keep the terminal window open, closing it will shut down the server) to play.
If you need a more detailed guide, click here for a step by step list.
If you want to stay up to date, fork this template, download a git client, and sync the fork whenever there's a major update.
- Create a custom shape
- Create a custom tank (This tool is somewhat outdated, please make sure to convert the generated tank code!)
- Create a custom theme
- Random Tank Generator
p.s. if something goes terribly wrong its not our fault