These examples focus on the Amazon SageMaker Python SDK which allows you to write idiomatic TensorFlow or MXNet and then train or host in pre-built containers.
- cifar 10 with MXNet Gluon
- MNIST with MXNet Gluon
- MNIST with MXNet
- CIFAR-10 with Chainer and ChainerMN
- Sentiment Analysis with Chainer
- MNIST with Chainer
- Sentiment Analysis with MXNet Gluon
- IRIS with Scikit-learn
- TensorFlow Neural Networks with Layers
- TensorFlow Networks with Keras
- Introduction to Estimators in TensorFlow
- TensorFlow and TensorBoard
- Distributed TensorFlow
- Importing and hosting Super Resolution ONNX model in MXNet
- Hosting ONNX models with Amazon Elastic Inference
- Exporting ONNX Models with MXNet
These examples focus on building standard Machine Learning models powered by frameworks like Apache Spark or Scikit-learn using SageMaker Python SDK.