Mina Real Estate Agent Ltd.
- Kocaeli, Turkey
- 3h ahead - veyselozturk.com.tr
Starred repositories
A note-taking app where users can keep their notes.
Chat with artificial intelligence or obtain any photo or drawing you want from artificial intelligence. Utilized Kotlin and the OpenAI API.
Waterflow & Water Control System
Wheater App with API on Jetpack Compose
A mobile application where users can search for restaurants using the Yelp API.
E commerce app with firebase and kotlin
It is a small and simple mobile application project where you take notes of your tasks. Kotlin language and Firebase are utilized in the development of the application.
0bera1 / FlightBooking
Forked from VeysellOZTURK/FlightBookingFlight Booking App - React
It's a Music Player like old Itunes with react-native-track-player.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.