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Releases: ViaVersion/ViaFabricPlus


02 Mar 11:56
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  • Fixed Invalid hotbar selection (Hacking?) disconnection when picking items on <= 1.21.2
  • Fixed race conditions with wolves causing the game to crash in <= 1.14.4
  • Fixed crash when interacting with brown mooshroom cow in singleplayer
  • Fixed the 20w14infinite not working at all
  • Fixed the logout button in the classicube server list not working correctly
  • Fixed mod compatibility with legendary tooltips
  • Fixed the Checking availability... text not being centered in bedrock realms list
  • Send ViaFabricPlus version when connecting to classic protocol extension servers
  • Improved data validation in some older versions
  • Mark API functions returning nullable values using the proper annotation

Please read the v4.0.2 Changelogs as well

I deeply appreciate any financial support at and will continue working on this project to the best of my ability.


19 Feb 13:30
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Bedrock 1.21.60 support!

Fixed container_close and take_item_entity packet errors;
Please keep in mind that addressing these issues is particularly challenging, as Mojang introduces major technical rewrites even in minor updates. This has become a one-man project, and I also have school/work to manage alongside it. Your financial support at is deeply appreciated and helps me continue working on this project to the best of my ability.

Other changes

  • Fixed various issues with servers sending duplicated data causing errors and disconnects
  • Fixed shulker box contents not being visible in <= 1.20.4
  • Fixed minecart (command/furnace) interactions not working in <= 1.8
  • Fixed auto detection not working on some servers by removing the second -1 ping
  • Changed debug hud modifications to always show the installed ViaFabricPlus version
  • Catch possibly errors in config loading and saving


  • Added getVersion and getImplVersion to API interface
  • Improved legacy API deprecation warnings for other mods

Please read the v4.0.0 Changelogs as well


09 Jan 19:03
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Follow up release to v4.0.0 fixing up some issues

  • Fixed game crashes because of the mod trying to load a corrupted config file
  • Fixed text/font rendering changes around 1.12 not being applied correctly (causing rendering errors on Hypixel)
  • Removed the /viafabricplus dump command - Instead use the Report issues section in the ViaFabricPlus menu
  • Fixed oof sound in <= b1.7.3 not playing
  • Fixed client crash when joining <= b1.7.3 servers and having beta hud elements enabled
  • Updated polish translations (@Blayung)
  • Updated traditional/simplified chinese translations (@yichifauzi, @Andypsl8)
  • Fixed some broken translations
  • Made the mod runnable without the viafabricplus-visuals sub module installed

Please read the v4.0.0 Changelogs as well

I deeply appreciate any financial support at and will continue working on this project to the best of my ability.


02 Jan 20:28
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Technical Changes

  • The project's artifact has been renamed from de.florianmichael:ViaFabricPlus to com.viaversion:viafabricplus.
  • The source code package has been moved from de.florianmichael.viafabricplus to com.viaversion.viafabricplus.

Support for Jitpack has been removed. Please use the official ViaVersion repository instead.

  • Stable API
    Mod authors should no longer depend on the core mod viafabricplus if they are only using the API. Instead, migrate to the viafabricplus-api artifact and update your code to use the general API endpoint.
    The API instance is now accessed via ViaFabricPlus#getImpl, which returns a ViaFabricPlusBase interface containing API functions. Refer to the detailed Javadocs or the updated development documentation for more information.

An example on how to include the api while still being able to run the mod would be:

modImplementation "com.viaversion:viafabricplus-api:4.0.0"
modRuntimeOnly "com.viaversion:viafabricplus:4.0.0"
  • Legacy Compatibility
    Key internals from version 3.0.0 have been moved to the viafabricplus-api-legacy module. However, this submodule will be removed in future versions.
    The viafabricplus-api and viafabricplus-api-legacy modules no longer expose setting group holders. Instead, use ViaFabricPlus#getImpl#settingGroups to access specific setting instances.

User-Relevant Changes

  • Settings
    The following debug settings have been removed:
    Send open inventory packet, Remove cooldowns, Send idle packet, Prevent entity cramming.

  • Other
    Fixed blocking use delay in versions ≤ 1.8 (@lowercasebtw).
    Updated Polish translations (@Blayung).
    Updated Korean translations (@good7777865).
    Updated Simplified Chinese translations (@Andypsl8).

GitHub Repository Changes

  • Visual / Low-Priority Features
    Visual-only features that are irrelevant to normal gameplay have been moved to a separate Fabric mod: viafabricplus-visuals. This mod is loaded by default but can be excluded if desired. This change simplifies updating the project to newer game versions.

  • Organized Patches by Features
    All game modifications are now categorized as features. Each feature has its package under both features/ and injection/mixin/features/, organizing utility and mixin classes for easier project maintenance and porting. Refer to the updated maintenance documentation for further details.

Special thanks to @RaphiMC and all other contributors who have supported the project so far!

I deeply appreciate any financial support at and will continue working on this project to the best of my ability.


16 Dec 00:34
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Bedrock 1.21.50 support!

New fixes for 1.21.4 -> 1.21.3

  • Fixed item block and entity picking not working in <= 1.21.3
  • Fixed climbing ladders not working anymore while flying in <= 1.21.3
  • Restore previous interaction behaviour with mooshroom cows in <= 1.21.3

Other changes (mostly new settings)

  • Added setting to remove new bubble popup sound and icons in <= 1.21.1 (@lowercasebtw)
  • Added setting to toggle arm rotation lock whilst blocking <= 1.20.2 (@lowercasebtw)
  • Added setting to hide villager profession in <= 1.13.2 (@lowercasebtw)
  • Improved mod compatibility in some places (@lowercasebtw)
  • Updated traditional chinese translations (@yichifauzi)
  • Updated japanese translations (@orasan)

I appreciate any financial support at and will continue to work on it to the best of my ability.


06 Dec 17:02
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Minecraft 1.21.4 Support!

This release marks the first version compatible with Minecraft and Fabric 1.21.4. Please be aware that it may contain bugs; if you encounter any new issues, report them on the issue tracker. Exercise caution on servers with strict anti-cheat systems.

Special thanks to @lowercasebtw for helping out with the update.


  • Picking blocks or entities will not work on servers older than 1.21.4.
  • ViaBedrock update (Bedrock 1.21.50 server support) will be in the next release.

I appreciate any financial support at and will continue to work on it to the best of my ability.


06 Dec 16:47
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Support for Minecraft 1.21.4 servers!

  • Added support for joining Minecraft 1.21.4 servers,
  • Fixed various protocol translation issues,
  • See the full commit history for more details.

Other changes

  • Fixed item interactions always swinging in <= 1.14.4
  • Fixed blip jumps not working in <= 1.13.2 (@lowercasebtw)
  • Fixed farmland collision shape being wrong in <= 1.9.4
  • Fixed sword blocking setting also getting applied to shields when enabled in 1.9+ (@lowercasebtw)
  • Added toggle to always render crosshair in thirdperson in <= 1.8 (@lowercasebtw)
  • Fixed item interactions (sword blocking, eating) still being active after opening custom inventories in <= 1.8 (@lowercasebtw)
  • Fixed wrong slowdown when flying and sneaking in <= 1.8 causing movement issues
  • Fixed incompatibility with Moonrise and Lithium
  • Updated simplified chinese translations (@Andypsl8)
  • Updated german translations


  • Picking blocks or entities will not work on servers newer or equal than 1.21.4.
  • ViaBedrock update (Bedrock 1.21.50 server support) will be in the next release.

If you want to help me out financially, consider sponsoring at


18 Nov 16:52
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  • Fixed various disconnect erorrs with invalid registry tags in <= 1.21.1
  • Fixed block collisions (cobwebs, ladders, lillypads, etc.) not working at all in <= 1.19.3 (@RaphiMC)
  • Fixed items without entity data not being visible in <= 1.10
  • Removed slowdown on ender eye usage in <= 1.10
  • Fixed bedrock version throwing errors when in use

I appreciate any financial support at and will continue to work on it to the best of my ability.


01 Nov 19:05
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ViaVersion 5.1.1 release changes
ViaVersion is the internal protocol translation component and is maintained as independent project

  • Fixed items with block predicates causing disconnects in creative mode in <= 1.21
  • Fixed errors from level 0 enchantments in <= 1.21
  • Fixed painting entity data in <= 1.21
  • Fixed opening chest boat inventories causing disconnects in <= 1.21
  • Fixed boat types in <= 1.21
  • Fixed item_name<->default name priority for items in <= 1.21
  • Fixed some issues with item hover event displays in <= 1.21
  • Fixed handling of empty lock codes in <= 1.21, usually sent by older servers
  • Fixed empty custom data tags sometimes being removed in creative mode in <= 1.21
  • Fixed join errors for invalid packets when switching servers in <= 1.19.3
  • Fixed handling of block entity custom names in <= 1.12.2
  • Fixed chunks not loading in <= 1.8
  • Fixed some edgecase area effect cloud particle errors on older servers

Bedrock support

  • Fixed edge case causing errors when selecting bedrock as version

Other changes

  • Added support to run the mod on 1.21.2 Fabric as well
  • Updated traditional chinese translations (@yichifauzi)
  • Updated japanese translations (@orasan)

I appreciate any financial support at and will continue to work on it to the best of my ability.


29 Oct 20:21
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Minecraft 1.21.2/1.21.3 Support!

This release marks the first version compatible with Minecraft and Fabric 1.21.3. Please be aware that it may contain bugs; if you encounter any new issues, report them on the issue tracker. Exercise caution on servers with strict anti-cheat systems.

ViaFabricPlus for Minecraft 1.21

With this update, we are discontinuing support for Minecraft 1.21 and 1.21.1. We've implemented many bug fixes for 1.21.3 in the protocol library, allowing you to update the protocol translation code manually when using ViaFabricPlus 3.4.9 as follows:

  1. Download the latest ViaVersion and ViaBackwards .jar file from here and here.
  2. Locate your Minecraft run folder (usually found in .minecraft for the default launcher or in your instance folder if using MultiMC).
  3. Navigate to config/viafabricplus/jars and place the downloaded .jar files there.

Please be aware that these builds may become incompatible at any time. We recommend staying up-to-date with Mojang and Minecraft, and updating to 1.21.3 as soon as possible.

This update also fixes an issue with Ukrainian translations not loading correctly (thanks to @Darkhax).

Special thanks to @RaphiMC and @lowercasebtw for their help with this update! Apologies for the delay - maintaining and updating this mod is quite complex and time consuming.

I appreciate any financial support at and will continue to work on it to the best of my ability.