A clean, minimalist site concept for a "fresh food" restaurant truck business, with information about locations, menus, and reviews from satisfied customers! It was crafted using HTML & CSS from a comp provided by a web designer. 🥑
It can be viewed live at: https://victoria-farr.github.io/rogue-pickings/
- An up-to-date browser than can read and display HTML5 & CSS is all that's needed. 🤓
It was created using Skillcrush.com coursework: <https://github.com/skillcrush>
The following contributed to this project:
- Skillcrush.com coursework: https://github.com/skillcrush
- @victoria-farr 🍊
If you want to contact me, you can reach me at victoriafarr@gmail.com
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).