- Virginia Beach, VA
- https://www.victoriahfarr.com/
Victoria-Farr.github.io Public
Forked from arifszn/gitprofile🪩 A quick dynamic portfolio of GitHub projects
coding-bunny-2023 Public
🐇 a digital burrow for front-end development notes and exercises in the year of the rabbit, 2023
HTML UpdatedJul 17, 2023 -
web-app Public
Forked from selfdefined/web-appDictionary database with future API and bot integrations
JavaScript UpdatedJun 8, 2023 -
victoria-h-farr-com Public
A simple portfolio site for a web developer with information for potential clients and employers about her skillset, portfolio of work, and contact information.
HTML UpdatedJul 14, 2021 -
rogue-pickings Public archive
A clean, minimalist site for a "fresh food" restaurant truck business.
HTML UpdatedApr 17, 2021 -
vision-board-project Public archive
A one-page vision board project to practice HTML & CSS.
HTML UpdatedApr 14, 2021 -
recipe-card-site Public
In this project, several recipe cards (which include ingredients, directions, an image, and prep + cook times) are styled using CSS for a fun mini website.
HTML UpdatedApr 12, 2021 -
git-practice Public archive
Forked from skillcrush/git-practiceA sweet lil' practice repository for practicing forking & merging branches!
HTML UpdatedApr 11, 2021 -
archive-agrica-net-demo Public
"Agrica.net" was a project completed to show a panel of judges a semi-functioning protype of a service that would create a local network of food distribution focusing on providers of local & sustai…
JavaScript UpdatedMar 30, 2021 -
README-template.md Public
Forked from scottydocs/README-template.mdA README template for anyone to copy and use.
UpdatedFeb 3, 2021 -
Front-End-Design-Checklist Public
Forked from thedaviddias/Front-End-Design-Checklist💎 The Design Checklist for Creative Web Designers and Patient Front-End Developers
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedSep 30, 2020