About me
🧐 PhD Candidate @Helmholtz Munich and @LMU München
☕ Machine learning / Data Science backround
🦠 Currently studying bacteria in our gut
About me
🧐 PhD Candidate @Helmholtz Munich and @LMU München
☕ Machine learning / Data Science backround
🦠 Currently studying bacteria in our gut
Forked from fabian-sp/GGLasso
Implementations for solving the Group and Fused Graphical Lasso problem
Creating home assignments for studetns taking Deep learning course in Aalto Univerity
Jupyter Notebook
Forked from Leo-Simpson/q2-classo
Constrained sparse regression and classification
QIIME 2 plugin which contains algorithms for solving General Graphical Lasso (GGLasso) problems
A tutorial for using a randomization-based causal inference framework with sparse+low-rank graphical models in microbiome data analysis.
Jupyter Notebook