This repository contains various articles about Operation Vula (1988 - 1992)
- Talking To Vula - The Story of the Secret Underground Communications Network of Operation Vula. Tim Jenkin, 1995. This article appeared as a series of six articles in the ANC's monthly journal Mayibuye from May 1995 to October 1995. They are brought together here to present the complete picture (Talking To Vula.pdf)
- Revolutionary Secrets - Technology’s Role in the South African Anti-Apartheid Movement, Social Science Computer Review, Volume 25, Number 1, Spring 2007 13-26, Sage Publications, 10.1177/0894439306289556, hosted at, R. Kelly Garrett, University of California, Irvine, Paul N. Edwards, University of Michigan (revolutionary-secrets.pdf)
- How the ANC sent encrypted messages in the fight against apartheid. Jan Vermeulen, MyBroadBand, 12 July 2015. (How the ANC sent encrypted messages in the fight against apartheid.pdf)
- The South African who helped end apartheid with encryption and inspired a Hollywood movie. Jan Vermeulen, MyBroadBand, 10 June 2024. (The South African who helped end apartheid with encryption and inspired a Hollywood movie.pdf)
- Vula Connection on YouTube.txt provides details about how to view the documentary "The Vula Connection" (2014). This documentary covers the communications aspect of Operation Vula.
- Technically Subversive: Encrypted Communication in the South African National Liberation Struggle (2020) is a dissertation on Operation Vula by Sophie Toupinm, McGill University
- Cracking an old ZIP file to help open source the ANC's Operation Vula secret crypto code.pdf is from John Graham-Cumming's blog, It explains how John managed to crack a 30-year-old zip file that released the code that is the inspiration for this Github site
- Operation Vula.pdf is a presentation compiled by Tim Jenkin for display at talks he gives about Operation Vula. It covers early encryption and concealment methods used by underground Anti-Apartheid activists in the 1970s and how these evolved into the technologies used by Operation Vula
- Secret crypto code that helped end apartheid cracked, open-sourced. Jan Vermeulen, MyBroadBand, 16 September 2024. (Secret crypto code that helped end apartheid cracked, open-sourced.pdf)
- You Can Now See the Code That Helped End Apartheid, Steven Levy, Wired, 18 October 2024.