Finding the right time for my mega evolution!
- Pardon my github stats, been using Gitlab for works nowadays :D
- For the last 9 months of 2024, I had been focusing on these 4 main things:
- Improving personal technical writing
- Learning more network & infra-related stuff (mostly concepts => then implemented on GCP)
- Improving effective communication with fellow engineer & non-engineer
- Deep dive even further on server side engineering (backend), with a bit of frontend related works (building dashboard :D)
- Currently working as Software Engineer (Platform) at Gojek (a ride hriling app), mainly working on improving order allocation by increasing the reliability and building tools for better experience on onboarding new business requirements.
- Some facts about me (for work):
- Mainly working with Golang, Lua, Python.
- Using Postgresql, MySQL, and redis for the datastore
- For the infra, we use GKE (GCP) for the kubernetes cluster, version controlled using terraform (IaC tools).
- Still somewhat familiar with things that I had been working in the past (like Java, MySQL, etc...)
- Few books that I've been reading sporadically this year:
- Software Design by Example
- Terraform Up and Running (3rd Edition)
- Managing Kubernetes
- Building Microservice
- Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software
- My main hobby is improving (mostly just tweaking) my neovim configs, reading open source projects that I use in work, exploring random stuff, going to gym (just enough to not get backpain lol), and watching anime
- Feel free to reach me about anything via linkedin or by email

Second Iteration:
First Iteration:
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