This plugin aim to able to easy construct Micro Features Architecture(µFeatures Architecture).
It pursuing µFeatures Architecture like below.

If you want more information for µFeatures Architecture such as each components' means, dependency relationships and etc, see What is a µFeature
To use the features provided by this plugin, declare that using plugin in Config.swift
Note: You have to specify exact version via tag. Typically, recommend using latest version.
import ProjectDescription
let config = Config(
plugins: [
.git(url: "", tag: "0.2.4"),
Decalre manifest object for each µFeature and resolve required targets.
The FeatureManifest
is struct
contains all information to create the modules that is described in µFeatures Architecture
Each module is represented by a single Xcode target.
Basic usage
First of all, you have to declare instance of FeatureManifest
to use.
As needed, You can pass additional parameters related to source path or dependency.
public let homeFeature = FeatureManifest(
baseName: "Home",
baseBundleID: "BaseBundleID",
destinations: .iOS,
sourceProduct: .framework,
deploymentTargets: .iOS("17.4"),
externalDependencies: [
.external(name: "RxSwift"),
testsDependencies: [
.external(name: "RxBlocking")
adoptedModules: [.interface, .source, .unitTests, .example(product: .app)]
public let appFeature = FeatureManifest(
baseName: "App",
baseBundleID: "BaseBundleID",
destinations: .iOS,
sourceProduct: .app,
deploymentTargets: .iOS("17.4"),
featureDependencies: [
adoptedModules: [.source, .uiTests]
And, append the resolved targets to project manifest!
let project = Project(
name: "Project",
targets: [
// ...
+ homeFeature.resolveModules()
+ appFeature.resolveModules()
Then, a Graph is formed as follows. It matches dependency relationships described in the µFeatures Architecture

The following may be arbitrary rules of only this plugin to easy construct µFeatures Architecture.
- If interface module doesn't exist, you can't make testing module.
- If any feature's interface module doesn't exist, other feature that depends on the one actually depends on source module when you configure dependencies between multiple features.
- Interface, Testing, Example modules can't be maked unless product type of source module is framework or library.
- Each test modules depends on all source/testing modules of its descendent dependencies.
- The path of Source files is fixed. Follow is example of sources directory structure,
ㄴ Root (Manifest file) ㄴ Sources ㄴ Feature ㄴ Interface ㄴ Source ㄴ Testing ㄴ Example ㄴ Tests ㄴ UnitTests ㄴ UITests
- 4.11.0 <= Tuist < 5.x.x