Patches for Boot Sector Games for Cheating
Boot Genie works on many 512-byte Boot Sector game titles for archaic x86 systems with proper BIOS support. Most effects are created to be valid at the same time.
With Boot Genie, you can patch certain game-play features and create special effects on a selection of available Boot Sector games found on the github ecosystem. These patches will change the original source, if you want to revert, just note the patches you have made and re-run them all with the -R option to 'patch.' You could also re-clone/update the repo as well. These patches use the standard 'patch' utility found in most *nix platforms
run the patch utility and redirect in the patch. For example, if the game is tetranglix and you want to apply the time cheat, then patch the source with the following command: patch < tetranglix_time.patch
Reverting to the original source by removing this particular time cheat is as easy as: patch -R < tetranglix_time.patch
Note that you are patching the source file, not the game image. You must reassemble the patched game in order to see your effects. An example of reassembling the tetranglix game after patching is the same as if you were to assemble it for the first time. One example with nasm is as follows: nasm -f bin tetranglix.asm -o tetranglix
You can then flash to a real floppy drive or emulate in things such as Virtual Box and Qemu. A Qemu example of running one of these games after patching is: qemu-system-i386 -hda tetranglix
There are several types of codes that you can use to enhance the game-play elements with Boot Genie patches. Below are some quick visual cues as to what the code may do, and each code in the individual game sections will have further descriptions.
- Invincibility
- Harder Difficulty
- More Lives
- Speed Modifications
- Time Modifications
- Score Modifications
- Rule/Logic Changes
- Multipliers
- Color/UI Changes
- Better/Improved Powerups
- Level Changes
- tetranglix_color.patch
- Just a pallet change to a brighter green environment
- tetranglix_multiplier.patch
- Makes score increment by 255 points instead of just 1 point per vertical movement
- Makes score increment by 255 points instead of just 1 point per vertical movement
- tetranglix_square.patch
- This makes every tetronimo a square
- This makes every tetronimo a square
- tetranglix_score.patch
- This makes the top score 1,000, instead of 100,000
- This makes the top score 1,000, instead of 100,000
- tetranglix_time.patch
- This makes the game slow down to half speed
- This makes the game slow down to half speed
- invaders_advancement.patch
- Invaders advance down about a 1/3rd of the vertical distance for each horizontal swipe
- Invaders advance down about a 1/3rd of the vertical distance for each horizontal swipe
- invaders_lives.patch
- 127 lives instead of the original 4 lives
- 127 lives instead of the original 4 lives
- invaders_speed.patch
- Invaders move much slower than normal
- Invaders move much slower than normal
- fbird_faster.patch
- The game plays much faster
- The game plays much faster
- fbird_morepipes.patch
- pipes come in much more frequently
- pipes come in much more frequently
- fbird_pipe.patch
- rediculous clearance in each pipe
- rediculous clearance in each pipe
- fbird_highscore.patch
- Sets initial score to 65532, may not play well with other patches
tronsolitare -
- tronsolitare_highscore.patch
- Initializes the score to 0x0e00
- Initializes the score to 0x0e00
- tronsolitare_speed.patch
- Game plays at half speed
- Game plays at half speed
- tronsolitare_speed2.patch
- Game plays at half speed and doesn't get incrementally faster
- Game plays at half speed and doesn't get incrementally faster
- tronsolitare_noclipping.patch
- Bounds checking is off, you are invincible
- Bounds checking is off, you are invincible
- tronsolitare_lowscore.patch
- Makes the winning highscore 0x2000 instead of 0xf600
- Makes the winning highscore 0x2000 instead of 0xf600
- tronsolare_nopoison.patch
- Only good/green powerups will show up
- boot-man_speed.patch
- Slows time down drastically
- boot-man_invincible.patch
- Turns collision detection routines off, effectively making BootMan invincible
- boot-man_level.patch
- New level, new color
- boot-man_strongpill.patch
- The power pills now last 8 times as long
- snake_speed1.patch
- Makes game slower
- snake_speed2.patch
- Makes game significantly slower
- snake_speed3.patch
- Makes game nearly unplayably faster
bootRogue -
- rogue_hp.patch
- Starting HP is 100 instead of 16
- Starting HP is 100 instead of 16
- rogue_notraps.patch
- Traps can no longer hurt you
- Traps can no longer hurt you
- rogue_lantern.patch
- Magic Lantern - whole dungeons visible
- Magic Lantern - whole dungeons visible
- rogue_bestfloor.patch
- Start on the best dungeon every time
- Start on the best dungeon every time
- rogue_bosses.patch
- Every enemy is like a boss, at quadruple the strength
- Every enemy is like a boss, at quadruple the strength
- rogue_infgoodies.patch
- Good items don't disapear when picked up, giving an infinite supply
- Good items don't disapear when picked up, giving an infinite supply
- rogue_nobattle.patch
- Enemies are now friends, they don't battle when you pass by
- Enemies are now friends, they don't battle when you pass by
- rogue_quickjourney.patch
- Amulet is now on the 2nd floor
- Amulet is now on the 2nd floor
- rogue_starving.patch
- You now lose 1 HP every 8 moves, instead of 128
- You now lose 1 HP every 8 moves, instead of 128
CodeGolf -](
- codegolf_bighole.patch
- The hole is 4x the area
- codegolf_morepower.patch
- ...or infinit power, ball never stops. Careful where you aim it; it could never reach the hole in an infinite loop
- codegolf_mulligans.patch
- Infinite tries
- Try to keep patched version same amount of lines of code if possible, this allows for patches to be applied all at once and to not interfere with other patches/cheats.
- The actual command I use to create a patch: diff -u game.asm game_feature.hak > game_feature.patch