Software Systems Developer at @Distributive-Network
- Canada
- 4h behind - https://xmader.com/
- in/xmader
A Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine embedded into the Python VM, using the Python engine to provide the JS host environment.
An incremental parsing system for programming tools
The open source (GPLv3), serverless (IPFS-based), offline-first, and totally free alternative to musescore.com
TypeScript typing definition for https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs-repo
LibreScore / webmscore
Forked from musescore/MuseScoreMuseScore's core library (libmscore) in WebAssembly! Read mscz data, and generate audio/MIDI/MusicXML/SVG/PNG/PDF sheets right in browsers.
A primer explaining IPFS and the Decentralized Web, viewable as a website, pdf or e-book
The latest (v0.49) TypeScript type definitions for js-ipfs and more
The dataset of all music sheets and users on musescore.com (unmaintained/discontinued since Sep 30, 2021)
The easiest way to download videos from Twitter, available as CLI tool, Userscript with GUI button (in progress), serverless function for Cloudflare Workers, and a plugin for AriaNgGUI (in progress)
A IRC/Matrix bot helping Civil Society Organizations in China. #csobot:matrix.org
Get the powerful Google Recorder app run on any Android device (Android >= 9)
Extract, unminify, and beautify ("retidy") each file from a webpack/parcel bundle (JavaScript reverse engineering)
对 SNI RST 说不!翻墙新方式!| 让 firefox 不发送 SNI 信息以绕过 SNI RST ,解决 SNI 审查(原作者为 Xmader, 此为备份)
Backup youBBS sites easily 轻松备份 youBBS 站点, 不需要管理员或数据库访问权限
在微信中(或其它地方)以文本形式发送加密消息,支持 Web & Android (在 releases 中下载,仅支持 Android 6 及以上)
node-extatic / extatic
Forked from jfhbrook/node-ecstaticA static file server middleware that works with core http, express or on the CLI! (Formerly @node-ecstatic/ecstatic)
Visual Studio Code Remote Development: Open any folder in WSL, in a Docker container, or on a remote machine using SSH and take advantage of VS Code's full feature set.
A tool to split a flac file into separate tracks with a cue sheet
编程随想的博客镜像 https://program-think-mirrors.github.io/blog/html/