An easy way to store and listen to your music
Download the backend and the frontend then follow these steps:
Move the content of backend in a folder
We then need to create a folder to contains our data there, for that you'll need to create a data/
folder and put another folder inside with the name of your website
In that case, my backend files are in /home/backend/euphonia/
(I have the api/
, common/
folders there)
Since my domain is
I also added a data/
folder there, and inside of it, created a
folder that will contains my final data
You will then need to link your data folder in your web config, we will do that again in the frontend explanations so don't worry too much about that right now, just remember what folder you created right before
(Example with Nginx)
location /data/ {
alias /home/backend/euphonia/data/;
Once you're done, run docker compose up -d
Just grab everything in the frontend folder and throw it in your server
Configure your webserver to have your website ready and the backend on /api/
In these examples, my domain is
my web files are installed in /home/web/euphonia/
and my backend at /home/backend/euphonia/
server {
root /home/web/euphonia;
index index.php;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
location /api/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:5000;
location ~ \.php$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php8.3-fpm.sock;
location ~ (/(vendor|node_module)/|\.json$) {
deny all;
# This is the part we spoke of in the backend explanations
# The path here is the one you created before
location /data/ {
alias /home/backend/euphonia/data/;
# Fix size limit with file upload
client_max_body_size 100M;
If you want to restart your backend automatically you can use a tool like systemctl
As before my backend files are at /home/backend/euphonia/
Throw your backend somewhere and create a systemctl file to keep it running:
Description=Euphonia backend
ExecStart=dotnet /home/backend/euphonia/Euphonia.API.dll
Once this is done, open your website and go to /tools.php and enter your password, then write the value returned in your data folder, in credentials.json
With docker, update the files and run docker compose build --no-cache
then run docker compose up -d
Login as an admin using the hamburger menu at the top left of the website
Once his is done, a new button will appear at the top left, click on it and fill the form with your music info
Download the chrome extension and go on chrome://extensions/
Toggle Developer mode
on the top right then click on Load unpacked
and select the folder of the extension
You can then click on the extension popup, first enter your website (since my website is
I will write
Then enter your admin token
From that you can go on any YouTube song and fields should be prefilled with the page data
You can change the following fields in metadata.json
- name: Name displayed on the website
- readme: Additional information shown inside the side panel
- showGithub: Show link to the GitHub in the side panel
- showDebug: Show additional debug information in the side panel
- allowDownload: Allow for songs to be downloaded
- allowShare: Allow for songs to be shared
- showAllPlaylist: If true, when going to playlist selection, will show a playlist called "All"
You can also change the website CSS in customize.cs
- Icon: Stephano Naressi
- Spanish translation: Paulina Araneda