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Official implementation for paper "Navigating Labels and Vectors: A Unified Approach to Filtered Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search"


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Unified Navigating Graph Algorithm for Filtered Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search

This is the official implementation for paper Navigating Labels and Vectors: A Unified Approach to Filtered Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search, which builds the Unified Navigating Graph (UNG) index for the task of Filtered Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search (Filtered-ANNS).

UNG is a general framework that supports various graph-based ANNS algorithms, which is currently implemented with the Vamana algorithm in DiskANN.

Overview of the UNG framework


Given a query vector q with label set f q = a , b , . . . , z , UNG finds top-K similar vectors v (with label set f v ) from the base vector set, supporting four types of predicates:

  • Equality ( f q = f v ): SELECT top-K similar vectors WHERE label_1=a AND label_2=b AND ... AND label_n=z
  • Containment ( f q f v ): SELECT top-K similar vectors WHERE label_1=a AND label_2=b
  • Overlap ( f q f v ): SELECT top-K similar vectors WHERE label_1=a OR label_2=b
  • No-filter (traditional ANNS): SELECT top-K similar vectors without any label constraints

An example of filtered ANNS

This repository also supports random generation of base and query label sets following five distributions:

  • Zipf
  • Multinomial
  • Uniform
  • Poisson
  • One random label per vector

Building the Project

Environment Requirements

  • CMake >= 3.15
  • C++17 compiler
  • Boost library
    • program_options component
    • filesystem component
  • OpenMP support
  • AVX2 instruction set support

Follow the steps below to build the project

mkdir build
cd build
# cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../codes/ # Build with Debug mode
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../codes/ # Build with Release mode
make -j
cd ..

Data Preparation

Place your datasets in the `data directory, with each dataset in its own subdirectory. The directory structure should be:

├── dataset1/
│   ├── base_vector_filename.bin
│   ├── base_label_filename.txt
│   ├── query_vector_filename.bin
│   └── query_label_filename.txt
├── dataset2/
│   ├── base_vector_filename.bin
│   ├── base_label_filename.txt
│   ├── query_vector_filename.bin
│   └── query_label_filename.txt
└── ...

Vector Files

Vector data is stored in binary format:

  • Binary file format
  • First 4 bytes: total number of vectors N (uint32_t)
  • Next 4 bytes: vector dimension D (uint32_t)
  • Followed by N D-dimensional vectors, each vector using D*4 bytes

To convert from fvecs format (where each vector has a 4-byte dimension header), please use:

./build/tools/fvecs_to_bin \
    --data_type {float/int8/uint8} \
    --input_file {filename}.fvecs \
    --output_file {filename}.bin
Example commands for SIFT1M dataset
# Download data
cd ./data
tar -zxvf sift.tar.gz
cd ..

# Convert data
./build/tools/fvecs_to_bin --data_type float --input_file ./data/sift/sift_base.fvecs --output_file ./data/sift/sift_base.bin
./build/tools/fvecs_to_bin --data_type float --input_file ./data/sift/sift_query.fvecs --output_file ./data/sift/sift_query.bin

Label Files

Label data is stored in .txt format:

  • Labels are positive integers in range [ 1 , L ] , where L is the total number of unique labels
  • Each line i contains the comma-separated label set for vector i (one line per vector)
  • No duplicate labels allowed in each vector's label set
  • For optimal performance, smaller label IDs should have higher frequencies (label 1 should appear most frequently)

Base Label Files

Since unexpected label format may lead to runtime errors or inferior performance, please verify base label file format using:

python ./data/ {label_file}

If the dataset does not have a base label file, you can randomly generate one using:

./build/tools/generate_base_labels \
    --num_points {total_vectors} \
    --num_labels {total_labels} \
    --distribution_type {zipf/multi_normial/uniform/poisson/one_per_point} \
    --output_file {output_base_label_file}
Example commands for SIFT1M
./build/tools/generate_base_labels \
    --num_labels 12 --num_points 1000000 --distribution_type zipf \
    --output_file ./data/sift/sift_base_12_labels_zipf.txt

Query Label Files

Query label files follow the same format as base label files.

To generate random query label files:

./build/tools/generate_query_labels \
    --num_points {total_vectors} \
    --distribution_type {zipf/multi_normial/uniform/poisson/one_per_point} \
    --K {top_K} \
    --scenario {containment/equality/overlap/no-filter} \
    --input_file {base_label_file} \
    --output_file {output_query_label_file}
Example commands for SIFT1M
./build/tools/generate_query_labels \
    --num_points 10000 --distribution_type zipf --K 10 --scenario containment \
    --input_file ./data/sift/sift_base_12_labels_zipf.txt --output_file ./data/sift/sift_query_12_labels_zipf_containment.txt 

Computing Ground Truth

Use the following command to compute ground truth:

./build/tools/compute_groundtruth \
    --data_type {currently only supports float} \
    --dist_fn {currently only supports L2} \
    --scenario {containment/equality/overlap/no-filter} \
    --K {top_K} \
    --num_threads {thread_count} \
    --base_bin_file {base_vector_file} \
    --base_label_file {base_label_file} \
    --query_bin_file {query_vector_file} \
    --query_label_file {query_label_file} \
    --gt_file {output_groundtruth_file}
Example commands for SIFT1M
./build/tools/compute_groundtruth \
    --data_type float --dist_fn L2 --scenario containment --K 10 --num_threads 32 \
    --base_bin_file ./data/sift/sift_base.bin --base_label_file ./data/sift/sift_base_12_labels_zipf.txt \
    --query_bin_file ./data/sift/sift_query.bin --query_label_file ./data/sift/sift_query_12_labels_zipf_containment.txt \
    --gt_file ./data/sift/sift_gt_12_labels_zipf_containment.bin

Building the Index

Please use ./build/apps/build_UNG_index to build the UNG index. The scenario parameter specifies the predicate type:

  • general: for containment/overlap/no-filter predicates
  • equality: for equality predicates
./build/apps/build_UNG_index \
    --data_type {currently only supports float} \
    --dist_fn {currently only supports L2} \
    --num_threads {thread_count} \
    --max_degree {max_graph_degree} \
    --Lbuild {build_queue_length} \
    --alpha {vamana_alpha_parameter} \
    --base_bin_file {base_vector_file} \
    --base_label_file {base_label_file} \
    --index_path_prefix {output_index_prefix} \
    --scenario {general/equality} \
    --num_cross_edges {UNG_cross_edges_count}
Example commands for SIFT1M
./build/apps/build_UNG_index \
    --data_type float --dist_fn L2 --num_threads 32 --max_degree 32 --Lbuild 100 --alpha 1.2 \
    --base_bin_file ./data/sift/sift_base.bin --base_label_file ./data/sift/sift_base_12_labels_zipf.txt \
    --index_path_prefix ./data/index_files/UNG/sift_base_12_labels_zipf_general_cross6_R32_L100_A1.2/ \
    --scenario general --num_cross_edges 6

Performing Searches

After building the UNG index, please use ./build/apps/search_UNG_index to perform searches:

./build/apps/search_UNG_index \
    --data_type {currently only supports float} \
    --dist_fn {currently only supports L2} \
    --num_threads {thread_count} \
    --K {top_K} \
    --base_bin_file {base_vector_file} \
    --base_label_file {base_label_file} \
    --query_bin_file {query_vector_file} \
    --query_label_file {query_label_file} \
    --gt_file {groundtruth_file} \
    --index_path_prefix {index_file_prefix} \
    --result_path_prefix {output_result_prefix} \
    --scenario {containment/equality/overlap/no-filter} \
    --num_entry_points {UNG_random_entry_points} \
    --Lsearch {search_queue_lengths space_separated}
Example commands for SIFT1M
./build/apps/search_UNG_index \
    --data_type float --dist_fn L2 --num_threads 16 --K 10 \
    --base_bin_file ./data/sift/sift_base.bin --base_label_file ./data/sift/sift_base_12_labels_zipf.txt \
    --query_bin_file ./data/sift/sift_query.bin --query_label_file ./data/sift/sift_query_12_labels_zipf_containment.txt \
    --gt_file ./data/sift/sift_gt_12_labels_zipf_containment.bin \
    --index_path_prefix ./data/index_files/UNG/sift_base_12_labels_zipf_general_cross6_R32_L100_A1.2/ \
    --result_path_prefix ./results/UNG/sift_base_12_labels_zipf_containment_cross6_R32_L100_A1.2/ \
    --scenario containment --num_entry_points 16 --Lsearch 10 50 300 500 1000 1200 3000

After searching, please visit the specified result_path_prefix directory to check the search results in a csv file, which contains the following columns:

  • L: search queue length
  • Cmps: number of comparisons
  • QPS: query per second
  • Recall: recall@K in percentage
Example results for SIFT1M
L Cmps QPS Recall
10 388 92592.6 47.368
50 1213 41666.7 73.138
300 4732 10834.2 91.798
500 6806 7518.8 94.383
1000 10849 5099.44 97.003
1200 12186 4533.09 97.484
3000 21054 2297.79 99.106

Parameter Tuning

Note that the best indexing and querying parameters may vary for different scenarios (containment/equality/overlap/no-filter) and different label distributions (zipf/multi_normial/uniform/poisson/one_per_point). It is recommanded to use grid search for parameter tuning. Specially, for scenarios overlap and no-filter, trying a smaller num_cross_edges like 1 or 2 for index construction can significantly improve query performance.


If you find this work useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={Navigating Labels and Vectors: A Unified Approach to Filtered Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search},
  author={Cai, Yuzheng and Shi, Jiayang and Chen, Yizhuo and Zheng, Weiguo},
  journal={Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data (SIGMOD)},
  publisher={Association for Computing Machinery}


Official implementation for paper "Navigating Labels and Vectors: A Unified Approach to Filtered Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search"








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